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wgt credits

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Sun, Apr 13 2014 3:24 AM (18 replies)
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  • deciever7
    7 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 10:06 AM

    i think it bs that you have to buy credits for everything on wgt . hole in one should be free as it is I have two all ready. they should award credits for great shots I  for one will not be buying anything from wgt. but will keep playing because I love golf been golfing my whole life even been ussaa

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 11:41 AM


    i think it bs that you have to buy credits for everything on wgt . hole in one should be free as it is I have two all ready. they should award credits for great shots I  for one will not be buying anything from wgt. but will keep playing because I love golf been golfing my whole life even been ussaa

    You don't need to buy any credits at all. Check out the "Earn Free Credits" offers and surveys under "Get Credits" at the top of the page. I'm at Legend Tier with all the stuff and haven't opened up the wallet one time. GL

  • deciever7
    7 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 12:42 PM

    ive been there I m spending twenty mins to get credits watching vids but thanks

  • troyronaldson
    382 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 1:03 PM

    If we didn't we wouldn't have such a great game which is actually free to play


    have fun

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 6:13 PM

    You don't need to buy any credits at all. Check out the "Earn Free Credits" offers and surveys under "Get Credits" at the top of the page. I'm at Legend Tier with all the stuff and haven't opened up the wallet one time. GL

    Cerino, I have seen you and others repeat this over the years. However this is based on your  experience and geographical location. This is NOT the same for everyone.

    In my case I get 7 carousel views per day - no extra views, so if I play every day of the year I can amass some 1916 credits annually.

    I have had one survey in 4 years - 90 credits. so in 4 years I have gained or potentially gained 7664 credits.

    Can you explain how I could have purchased and upgraded clubs let alone use balls other than starters balls?

    The offers are for products I would not use or IMO are poor value anyway.

    And for the record, the one survey I did qualify for took half an hour to complete - at the rate of $1.80 per hour you have to be kidding me. 

    Of course I would rather not pay out of my own pocket, but I have no choice and I suppose I am lucky enough to afford to, and see the game as good value for the entertainment it provides. 

    But just blindly saying you do not need to buy credits is not  necessarily  correct, well not if you want to play at a reasonable level with decent equipment.

  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 7:35 PM


    You don't need to buy any credits at all. Check out the "Earn Free Credits" offers and surveys under "Get Credits" at the top of the page. I'm at Legend Tier with all the stuff and haven't opened up the wallet one time. GL

    Cerino, I have seen you and others repeat this over the years. However this is based on your  experience and geographical location. This is NOT the same for everyone.



    But just blindly saying you do not need to buy credits is not  necessarily  correct, well not if you want to play at a reasonable level with decent equipment.

    I suppose I wont be saying anything about free credits much any more then.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 7:48 PM

    I suppose I wont be saying anything about free credits much any more then

    CD, you tend to have a sensible and pragmatic approach to your advice to players so all I was doing is pointing out this is not always the case, it tends to be based on where you live - by all means let people know re the potential to earn free credits - I was pointing out the other side of the coin.

    WGT is based in the States and  therefore  easier to get local sponsors/advertisers - then other large cities around the world. Outside of these areas pickings are pretty slim. 

    I was back in Singapore not long ago, even the  carousel  was empty there lol


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 10:03 PM
    Cerino was talking to an American. I think that his advice was correct and pertinent.
  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 11:08 PM

    Cerino was talking to an American. I think that his advice was correct and pertinent.

    I am not sure how often you have  traveled  to the States, but it is a huge country and as such I am sure there are variations throughout the country (actually I know some US players who do not get many "free credits").

    The assumption just because you get offers.videos or surveys does not mean everyone gets them.

    On top of that the appalling  hourly rate you get for credits is disgraceful - quite amusing when you have such  criticism  aimed at "slave labour" in third world countries yet it seems perfectly reasonable to pay even less  earning  "free credits" in this game.

    Well time is money in my book so these supposed free credits are anything but free in reality. Call it an opportunity cost if you wish, but if I had to survive on free credits I would just leave as I do not get out of bed for $1.80 an hour.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Fri, Apr 11 2014 11:12 PM


    Cerino was talking to an American. I think that his advice was correct and pertinent.

    I agree it was, it always seems to be in fact.

    However, I think Alan also raises a valid point.  I don't think he's really having a go at Cerino, just feeling frustrated at the apparent lack of meaning in the word World in World Golf Tour.  Having major tournaments with big prizes that can only be won by US residents is a farce, it makes a mockery of the very name of the game.

    The lack of free credits available to none US players is just the icing on the cake for many.  I know WGT doesn't have full control over the sponsors but they must have some influence surely?  Hearing from people who earn hundreds of free credits a day is a bit depressing when you have the chance to earn 10 if you're lucky.

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