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Re: Club Owners/Tournament Creaters use their credits only!!!!!

Tue, Apr 22 2014 2:34 PM (5 replies)
  • MichaelHazen
    491 Posts
    Mon, Apr 21 2014 2:13 PM

    Good afternoon all,

    I'm not sure how popular an idea this is going to be, but as I run my club and we have our "Season - BAD Tour" that we run. At the moment because we only have so many trophies, I figured a great way to get solid turn-out for club events is to allow the creater of that tournament or the club owner to dole out their own credits in a top 3, 5, 10 or 20 manner as they see fit.

    This doesn't mean a club owner or tournament creater would be required to do this, but if they feel it would help with attendance, offer it. Allow them to put in from 250 - 1000 of their own credits if they wish to their members with out the members having to pay for a tournament and hope they even break even. It wouldn't have to be a great deal given out, but again....something to try to elicite more turn out for our club events.

    Thank you for your time,


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Apr 21 2014 9:38 PM
    It would be nice but I can't see it happening. A sponsor/creator can always give balls as prizes.
  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Mon, Apr 21 2014 10:29 PM

    It would be nice but I can't see it happening. A sponsor/creator can always give balls as prizes.

      I just give balls to our matchplay tourney winners.  Its easier to give balls.


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Mon, Apr 21 2014 10:59 PM

    I've alway felt that a CC should be able to maintain their own bank.  WGT could take their 20% from the contributions made by the members immediately and the CC owner or designated tournament manager could distribute the credits to the members as they saw fit.

    The other option (which is a real pain but does work) is to have members pay into a bank using Paypal.  The hassle here is that the members would all need to establish a paypal account.  I also don't know if Paypal is international ... plus you or your members would need to figure out the currency conversion.

    Of course, option 1 would be nice if it were available ... option 2 is a work around.

    It seems like WGT would rather use option 1 since option 2 would mean no money for them.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 2:47 AM

    I've alway felt that a CC should be able to maintain their own bank.

    x1000 Kat

    I have said this before as well, that a pool for a CC should be allowed. To be honest though, I think a 20% WGT cut is greed - after all how much ball usage is created from CC Tournaments? I guess it is a LOT. 5-10% would be more palatable if WGT really want to sink their hooks into the pool, but as I said.......OK WGT we are talking about = greed!

    Option 2 is feasible and PayPal is international, and you can pay in a multitude of currencies. To make it easier the CC could set up an account and send an invoice to an email address for members. This could be invoiced in $US - and can automatically calculate the local currency to be sent. There is however a transaction charge using PayPal that the CC would have to bear.

    Sadly very messy but WGT seem to ignore this suggestion, well most CC Improvement ideas in all fairness. Odd considering CC's actually generate a lot of the sites income via ball usage.

  • Steven1163
    2,912 Posts
    Tue, Apr 22 2014 2:34 PM



    I've alway felt that a CC should be able to maintain their own bank.

    x1000 Kat

    I have said this before as well, that a pool for a CC should be allowed. To be honest though, I think a 20% WGT cut is greed - after all how much ball usage is created from CC Tournaments? I guess it is a LOT. 5-10% would be more palatable if WGT really want to sink their hooks into the pool, but as I said.......OK WGT we are talking about = greed!

    Option 2 is feasible and PayPal is international, and you can pay in a multitude of currencies. To make it easier the CC could set up an account and send an invoice to an email address for members. This could be invoiced in $US - and can automatically calculate the local currency to be sent. There is however a transaction charge using PayPal that the CC would have to bear.

    Sadly very messy but WGT seem to ignore this suggestion, well most CC Improvement ideas in all fairness. Odd considering CC's actually generate a lot of the sites income via ball usage.


    What are you thinking Alan???   If WGT is going to ignore the small suggestions that would make the WGT experience even better, surely they are going to ignore the BIG stuff that would make owning a CC much easier  LMAO
