I started playing WGT a few weeks ago and I love it! My name's Justin and I've player Golf all my life, I played off scratch at one time at New Brighton golf course in Sydney, Australia. My "live" golf has become less frequent over the last few years and WGT has inspired me to get back into it, I hit a few wedges today :) . I'm also an online poker player so I play this game for a bit of fun and to blow off some stream after a bad session , didn't relise WGT is almost as frustrating as real golf :)
Well enough about me, just made this post to sat Hi. Feel free to drop by and intro yourself to me, maybe give me some suggestions about the game or recomend country clubs etc.
Just a few questions if anyone reads this and can be bothered.
1. Can you "freeroll" (not purchase credits) with the tiers and a few touney places to Upgrade your gear to a decent level?
2. Are the offers worth completing?
3. Can you be competitive in the games without the good equipment?
4. In what order should a noob like me buy the eqipment?
Thanks everyone!! Good Luck on the course!