These tournaments are turning into a joke... it seems all you have to do in most of them is not withdraw and you stand a very good chance of winning.
that's what i count on. I won a 100c 18h bracket because 2rd round opponent wd and finals i played a great game (for me) and my opponent played average also took second in another (9h)because because 3rd round wd (got blown away in finals 32-37)
the speed brackets if you can catch the last spot (just play, good chance you will win but you need 2 hrs of free time) (30 minutes each round) these i kind of agree are a joke because the early entered guys start another game and when they come back they missed their next round (this has happened to me waiting for bracket to fill)
I like the bracket games when i know i have 4 days i can play i will play it (usually lose 1st or 2nd round)