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Bracket Tournaments..

Sun, May 25 2014 11:32 PM (18 replies)
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  • Crazy3
    107 Posts
    Wed, May 14 2014 6:25 AM

    Well here is a problem with the Bracket Tourneys - Tour master # 15686 - only opened today - May 14 - I joined it at about 8:00 ESt. Played my round - came back about an hour later to find that not only had my opponent played (and lost), but that I had "Withdrawn" from round 2 and that round 4 was expiring in 16 min. Now that is fast for a tourney - especially when everyone talks about you having 24 hrs to complete a round. I guess they must have meant 24 minutes. Glad there is no money on the line.

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 12:00 PM

    I was playing a tournament just now that I had 24 hrs to post my score. I played the first round and won. About 1/2 hr later I started playing the 2nd round. In the middle of the 4th hole I was cancelled out and told I didn't play in time.

    And you didn't. The reason being you entered the SPEED bracket instead of the regular one. Speed brackets are 30 minutes (or maybe even less, not sure) per round, so that's why you didn't play in time. Nothing broken here, you just entered the wrong tourney by mistake (if you wanted to play the 24 hour one).

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 12:02 PM


    Well here is a problem with the Bracket Tourneys - Tour master # 15686 - only opened today - May 14 - I joined it at about 8:00 ESt. Played my round - came back about an hour later to find that not only had my opponent played (and lost), but that I had "Withdrawn" from round 2 and that round 4 was expiring in 16 min. Now that is fast for a tourney - especially when everyone talks about you having 24 hrs to complete a round. I guess they must have meant 24 minutes. Glad there is no money on the line.

    Read my reply above this, cause the same is true in your case. Both of your score histories show scores from a speed bracket tourney, so just pay a tad more attention next time you enter a tourney and your woes will be a thing of the past ;-)

  • Crazy3
    107 Posts
    Thu, May 15 2014 1:41 PM

    Thanks for the reply - you are correct - did not realize that time limit when I entered. However, not certain that that will cure all my woes with this least addresses one issue.

  • Poopypants999
    2 Posts
    Sat, May 17 2014 10:36 PM

    I dont mind the bracket tourneys so far. Have entered some, won a few lost a few. My problem is much different than anyone else. I find having Kawai and Congressional as two of the rounds being silly. Especially for the paid ones. To have two of the tough courses first and last then two of the easiest in the middle seems senseless. Most players were playing Kawai in -5 in three or four months. I find it to be silly to see players playing, best of par fours, to 80, and having  two bailout rounds to follow. Too me those two courses are crapshoots. Almost every player here, at least the ones playing money games, will shoot these two courses in anywhere from -5 to -15. Its just a matter of who makes a few longer putts. NO SKILL INVOLVED. The other two have distance and some need to be able to play to a certain spot on the green. Another-words, play for pars on a few holes not easily be able to buy a slow meter ball and flag-hunt for birdies. There are holes on the Best of 4's and Merion you have to be a certain place on the green or you WILL score a 7. I believe Kawai and Congressional should be replaced with Olympic, Royal St George or Oakmont. Anyone care? Or just me???? :-)

  • DanWidget
    1,307 Posts
    Mon, May 19 2014 9:52 AM

    My issue is not necessarily the courses chosen but the fact that they don't seem to change.  You enter brackets relevant to your tier and the courses always seem to be the same,  why not vary them each time?

  • carolineRobert
    1,821 Posts
    Thu, May 22 2014 2:03 AM

    hello there,

    yesterday , i tried for the 1st time that ''bracket tourney'' concept. I played the tourney #18006 and shot 33 and yet , my score doesn't show on my profile page or on the bracket. Is that normal ? If the answer is somewhere on the main forum or elsewhere , i didn't see it ...sorry !

  • lickspittle
    90 Posts
    Thu, May 22 2014 2:42 AM

    Your score doesn't show in the bracket until your opponent has posted a score or when the time expires for that round (that's when it shows on your profile).


  • Shedlite
    917 Posts
    Sun, May 25 2014 11:32 PM


    These tournaments are turning into a joke... it seems all you have to do in most of them is not withdraw and you stand a very good chance of winning.

    that's what i count on. I won a 100c  18h bracket because 2rd round opponent wd and finals i played a great game (for me) and my opponent played average also took second in another (9h)because because 3rd round  wd (got blown away in finals 32-37)

    the speed brackets if you can catch the last spot (just play, good chance you will win but you need 2 hrs of free time) (30 minutes each round) these i kind of agree are a joke because the early entered guys start another game and when they come back they missed their next round (this has happened to me waiting for bracket to fill)

    I like the bracket games when i know i have 4 days i can play i will play it (usually lose 1st or 2nd round)

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