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Re: Wedges

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Wed, Jun 25 2014 8:17 AM (18 replies)
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  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 6:02 PM

    Alright, I knew I could count on you guys for some quality (and passionate) feedback.. Much appreciated.

  • ncjohn51
    2,008 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 12:59 PM

    Out of curiosity, if you get the 100 yd Max Meter wedge, can you scale it reliably to hit the 70 or 80 yard shots? I'd rather not have to carry three wedges if possible and I won't give up my 50. I could back down to the 75 from the 80 my Cleve gives me but having the 100, especially for St Andrews, would be really useful.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 9:06 PM
    You'll never be as accurate hitting percentage shots with a longer wedge. You don't really need your pacifier (hybrid). :-)
  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 9:17 PM

    You'll never be as accurate hitting percentage shots with a longer wedge


    don't really need your pacifier (hybrid). :-)

    Chocolate teapot would be more useful for usual play.

    3 quality wedges evenly spaced is the ideal way to go.  Learn what they do with full shots, punching and pitching for starters.  Well probably the first two more at Master length, but you can work all that out (loads in forums elsewhere). 

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 9:51 PM

    Out of curiosity, if you get the 100 yd Max Meter wedge, can you scale it reliably to hit the 70 or 80 yard shots?
    I'd change to a punch with some bs and have another almost full meter shot.

    I won't give up my 50.

    What kind of use is this?

    First of all, get rid of that 50 yds Starter wedge IMMEDIATELY!!

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Tue, Jun 24 2014 11:12 PM

    The cleveland wedge is pretty much linear when u choke down on it. The 64º has a 50 yard punch, stops dead no spin, maybe even 3 feet back .

    Just to explain linear if u don't already know, u can hit ful shots with it all the way down to 20% and even less, and get reliable results.

    I use 60% as a base line for a 30 yard shot, and all u do is work up and down the scale from there, memorising what each 10% either way gives u.

    A cheap cally 250 credits will give u all the stop u want for all the other shots like flop, pitch and chip.

    My tuppence worth.


    O    N    E    Y    E


  • ncjohn51
    2,008 Posts
    Wed, Jun 25 2014 5:50 AM


    First of all, get rid of that 50 yds Starter wedge IMMEDIATELY!!

    I agree with you on that. What I was referring to was not being willing to give up having a 50 yd wedge. As soon as I get enough credits built up again I'll be replacing that one first. 

  • ncjohn51
    2,008 Posts
    Wed, Jun 25 2014 5:53 AM

    Thanks to all of you for your comments. It will take me some time as I also need to replace my iron set to get the BS I need now. I'm leveled up far enough to get everything now, just need to accumulate the credits.

  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Wed, Jun 25 2014 8:17 AM



    First of all, get rid of that 50 yds Starter wedge IMMEDIATELY!!

    I agree with you on that. What I was referring to was not being willing to give up having a 50 yd wedge. As soon as I get enough credits built up again I'll be replacing that one first. 

    Good thought!

    As I stated earlier in this thresd, it's wedges from 50 up or from 60 up. Unfortunately, the Pings have been replaced by more expensive ones and massacred because the 60 yds club has been killed. 75 - 90 is not a proper wedge set IMHO.

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