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Wed, Jun 25 2014 8:17 AM (18 replies)
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  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 11:35 AM

    Want to get a couple of short wedges to replace my starters.. By the numbers, only difference I see in low level Clevelands and mid level ATV's is the trajectory.. med/high vs high.. same price (495), unless I get the 200 cr Pings which have really low Forgiveness.. Just want a few opinions before I pull the trigger.. All are appreciated greatly.


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 11:55 AM

    If you can afford them go for the Clevelands, but if not, level up until level 41/42 and go for the pings, they're only 200 credits a wedge and they served me fine when i was lower levels.  I was going to gift you them to try but you're not at level 41/42 yet,  When you reach that level Message my wall and i will gift you a pair

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 1:56 PM

    Thank you Chris, I really appreciate the offer brother.. I've got more than enough credits though, been stockpiling the free ones :)  My eyes and timing are so bad on the meter I've about decided to sort myself with Max Meter clubs eventually, probably even the wedges when I level up to them.. Think the slow meter clubs will serve me well, just need to get a few clubs here and there to hold me over till I get leveled up. Thanks again..


  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 2:31 PM

    Just beware of adding BS on any of the better wedges. Those starters you've been using part next to zero BS and the Clev's get free spin when you hit into any headwind. Myself I'm more than happy with the ATV's I've been playing since TM.  I'm .09 from making TL and see no need to change wedges when I can usually punch any one of my three wedges to within ez tap in range. Many times I've seen inexperienced players adding BS to those Clev's and the result is not a pretty sight. As far as using Max clubs, just make sure the meter speeds consistent throughout your bag, as different speed clubs are a curse, IMO.

  • ISH47
    1,963 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 3:13 PM

    Thanks for the advice, I'll make sure I hit the practice links before I embarrass myself.. :)  Making purchasing decisions isn't one of my strong suits so I'm grateful for all the feedback. I'm one of those people who'll pick something up and walk halfway around the store with it before deciding I don't really want it.. then, instead of walking back and putting it where I got it, I'll hide it behind a loaf of bread.. haha.. Thanks again brother.


  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 4:48 PM


    Want to get a couple of short wedges to replace my starters.. By the numbers, only difference I see in low level Clevelands and mid level ATV's is the trajectory.. med/high vs high.. same price (495), unless I get the 200 cr Pings which have really low Forgiveness.. Just want a few opinions before I pull the trigger.. All are appreciated greatly.


    The Pings , have the same level of forgiveness , as the ATV`s , and more precision than the ATV`s . They are better than many players give them credit , to be . I would suggest that you wait , until you at least reach the Master / Tour Master tiers , before you start upgrading your clubs . Once you reach Master tier , you will only move back 1 tee , and that wont happen until you reach Legend . You want your upgrades to last as long as possible .

    So dont waste your credits, take your time to tier and level up . Eventually , you will need to upgrade all of your clubs , so take your time and do it right . Enjoy the game , and have fun . :-)


  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 5:19 PM

    I beg to differ, Lonnie.

    Those Starter wedges are crap and CRAP! At a reasonable early time, any player should seek an opportunity to kick them out. I'm doubting (without proof) that the low level Cleves will do the job, but from lvl 38(?) up, the ATV and Ping wedges have a good reputation.

    The Pings are a budget choice at 200 crs each, only downside is their length spacing of 60 - 75 (- 90) yds. This may leave too much of a gap to a custom PW, compared to the ATV of 50 - 75 (- 100) yds. Since the third wedge will only come into play with good custom iron set, this may be tolerated.

    IMNSHO, it's far away from a waste of credits to get two short wedges of any set mentioned.


  • Mushy01
    2,567 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 5:26 PM

    tried both of the top wedges , to me ATV's are the killers

  • cdefghi
    2,872 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 5:32 PM


    I beg to differ, Lonnie.

    Those Starter wedges are crap and CRAP! At a reasonable early time, any player should seek an opportunity to kick them out. I'm doubting (without proof) that the low level Cleves will do the job, but from lvl 38(?) up, the ATV and Ping wedges have a good reputation.

    The Pings are a budget choice at 200 crs each, only downside is their length spacing of 60 - 75 (- 90) yds. This may leave too much of a gap to a custom PW, compared to the ATV of 50 - 75 (- 100) yds. Since the third wedge will only come into play with good custom iron set, this may be tolerated.

    IMNSHO, it's far away from a waste of credits to get two short wedges of any set mentioned.


       If you're like I  am and like to simplify your math, those numbers- 50- 75-100, seem much easier for a feel player like myself to judge, esp. all my punch shot approaches.  I can't remember what the lower lvl ATV wedges distances were for punch shots, but 41- 62- 83, along with my R1's PW -103, makes every approach  (windy conditions esp.) close enough if dinged, for ez tap in chances.  Those lower lvl ATV's served me well until I could upgrade to the one's I continue to play.

    If any upgrade I could of done sooner it would of been the wedges - not the Driver or even my old trusty green Raptures.


  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Sat, May 10 2014 5:42 PM

    +10, cdefghi!

    I've had the predecessors of the ATVs, the Z Satin, forever. THESE ARE THE CLUBS! - regrettably unavailable now - exchanged by the ATVs.

    Here, quality stands against the price: The ATVs are 150% more expensive than the Pings with the wee yardage problem. This is the only reason to propose the latter!

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