the only thing i would like to see from WGT is a left handed avater, not all golfers are right handed and us lefties should get our avatar
i agree... i am a lefty and would love to see my handedness in the game
me 3 ima left and in fact my nickname is the left at my country club so i want to see left avatars or at least you can change it so your current avatar shows up as a lefty
if WGT can add kilted avatars then surely a lefty shouldn't be a problem
I'm sure left handed play will arrive at some stage, but now overly sure how easy it would be having to sort out left handed swing mechanics. Just be patient and see what they can come up with.
I know this isn't the proper location to post this, but haven;t found the proper one so anyway...I made a few changes to my profile pic and can't seem to remember how to upload it to the profile page.....can anyone help me please?
Go into your profile. Them select appearance. You can upload your photo there.