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Re: Come on WGT

Sun, Jun 1 2014 7:35 PM (14 replies)
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  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Sun, Jun 1 2014 1:25 AM

    WGT is unusually mute with more complaints than I have ever seen here, I don't think they know whats wrong yet to be honest...


    My pleas to slow the #$%%^#$ thing down continue to fall on deaf ears.
    Surely your kidding, right? lol

  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Sun, Jun 1 2014 2:51 PM




    I just recently got my Windows 8 PC repaired after a little over a year. They had to format the hard drive then re-install Windows 8.1.


    They didn't add a bunch of programs that glut a PC. Just a 3 or 4 programs that are needed. It has 4 gig of ram. The old PC I had to go back to when my Windows 8 PC crashed only had 2 gig of ram and I had to run either Game Booster or Gboost to have a good meter. I am running nothing at this time with the Windows 8.1 PC and my meter is smooth as silk. I was a little surprised at how well the meter did and is doing. I have not had a single skip since I got the Windows 8.1 PC back. 



    i had a new desktop built AMD 3.8 GHZ AND 8GB RAM  no more meter problems


    Looks like 4 GB would have been enough. 


    Well, some do more than just play this game. So 8gb is a good upgrade. I got it too. Runs good, except I haven't played for over a month now, and don't know when I will. I am multitasker. 8gb ram is needed.

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Sun, Jun 1 2014 5:19 PM

    Up until about 11 months ago i ran on a 6yr old laptop 1gb 1.8ghz and my meter worked 95% of the time,if i cleared cache and run cleaners it was as good as new.

    Unfortunately the laptop died of old age and i now play on a 3.2ghz 8g widescreen 17.6 inch lappy that doesn't work anywhere near as good

    I have nothing running or anything i don't need on this one,even wife and kids are banned,i took the time out for a few days to try every flash player going since the start and have settled on that works  about 70% of the time on  a good day,the rest is WGT not turning up for work or forgetting to turn the second server on when they there on skeleton crew 6 days out of every week


  • jayzach
    380 Posts
    Sun, Jun 1 2014 5:25 PM

    I have brand new Gateway would think it was good enough, well it is     wgt is not good enuff.  They need new servers and need to steal balls from us to get enuff money to do so. They dont want to take it out of they're own pockets when they can just increase sales by booting everyone out of half finished games.

  • krbygeegee
    14 Posts
    Sun, Jun 1 2014 7:35 PM

    they have taken our money and run.....


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