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Come on WGT

Sun, Jun 1 2014 7:35 PM (14 replies)
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  • tiger319
    1,186 Posts
    Fri, May 30 2014 6:16 PM

    Please fix this $hit!!  Try playing match play and swing meter goes freakin crazy!!  WTF??? 

















  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Fri, May 30 2014 7:20 PM

    Say, there is this book by Dale Carnegie.....

  • colinscott
    55 Posts
    Fri, May 30 2014 7:34 PM

    Agreed...*** the bird sound, ocean sounds whale sound and the gallery applause...5 years and it's always the same ***. Fix the damn game.


    266 Posts
    Fri, May 30 2014 9:49 PM

    i had a new desktop built AMD 3.8 GHZ AND 8GB RAM  no more meter problems


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, May 30 2014 9:54 PM
    Meter problems are mainly due to problems with your PC. Have you tried a good clean out and a different browser?
  • LongJohnBalldry
    6 Posts
    Fri, May 30 2014 10:56 PM

    Just re installed windows Vista it was not full of rubbish maybe a shock wave player.

  • borntobesting
    9,783 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 11:31 AM


    I just recently got my Windows 8 PC repaired after a little over a year. They had to format the hard drive then re-install Windows 8.1.

    They didn't add a bunch of programs that glut a PC. Just a 3 or 4 programs that are needed. It has 4 gig of ram. The old PC I had to go back to when my Windows 8 PC crashed only had 2 gig of ram and I had to run either Game Booster or Gboost to have a good meter. I am running nothing at this time with the Windows 8.1 PC and my meter is smooth as silk. I was a little surprised at how well the meter did and is doing. I have not had a single skip since I got the Windows 8.1 PC back. 


    i had a new desktop built AMD 3.8 GHZ AND 8GB RAM  no more meter problems


    Looks like 4 GB would have been enough. 

  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 12:47 PM

    clear your caches and try a new browser?

    That's a bunch of Tatanka Mierda.

    8 disconnections from 9 starts in the last 2 days, BUT,

    I don't think I have been disconnected that many times

    in the last previous 4 yrs.


    my meter is smooth, but only if the game works

  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Sat, May 31 2014 10:10 PM

    Don't know if it's servers, programming, or some combination of the two, but this game is broken.

  • cadwallater
    24 Posts
    Sun, Jun 1 2014 12:26 AM

    I do not suppose I should be surprised that my repeated protests over the speed of the swing meter, that makes the game virtually unplayable with any degree of accuracy, have been completely ignored.   In order to achieve any kind of decent score, you must continually replenish your supply of golf balls, that will slow the swing meter down to a reasonable speed,  and that costs money.    Of course, WGT is, like anything else, designed to make a profit, so I should not blame them too much.  I do blame them, however, for refusing to adjust the swing meter, a problem that I'm certain I share with many other players.    My pleas to slow the #$%%^#$ thing down continue to fall on deaf ears.   The level of frustration has reached the point where, if there is ever an alternative game offered, I will avail myself of it, and empty my locker at WGT.    This is simply intolerable, and totally unfair to the players.    I wonder how many other members share my frustration?    Perhaps they should abandon the name Golf, and call it Russian roulette, since your odds of getting a decent  hit with this meter is about the same.. 

    Sorry guys, but I'm mighty aggravated over this issue, as you can tell.   So I thought I would air it out.    Thanks.  .   

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