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Re: STOP putting new clubs out of my reach !!!!!!!

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 19 2014 11:54 AM (156 replies)
  • CStaddon
    48 Posts
    Thu, Jun 19 2014 10:18 AM

    There's more skill to playing iron shots with accuracy, than wellying a ridiculously long drive... that said, some of the long par 5s (and sometimes the conditions) mean that without a long drive you're stuffed. It took me months to get enough credits to upgrade to anything that would add more than a couple of inches. But the good side to that was, in the meantime I had to focus on getting my iron play sorted.

    Eventually I got myself a 9.5D WGT Pro Driver - yes it's only 245 yards, but at least when the first shot has to carry 225 yards+ (which it does on some of the courses - and one of the nearest the pins...), I have enough to make it. Assuming I don't shank it... :)


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jun 19 2014 10:20 AM

    Im in Florida you illiterate dummy 

    Illiterate dummy? That's a good one. 

    Learn some simple math here now. It's not hard......

    If it's "almost 6 PM here"-your words, read them above- and the time stamp says 1:33 one could logically surmise "almost 6" is somewhere near 5:30. Stay with me now, here's where it gets tricky....

    5:30  take away the time stamp equals 4.  You see the time stamp of the post? That would make you 4 hours ahead of WGT becaue 5:30 minus 1:30 = 4. 

    Now, if you look at a time zone chart you will see how New York is as far east as you can go in the US and the entire seaboard is EST-3 hours ahead of WGT. 

    Boxed yourself into another corner there, Whizkid. You obviously aren't in my area like you claimed, either. LOL 


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Thu, Jun 19 2014 10:28 AM

    You obviously aren't in my area like you claimed, either.

    I would think he's in Area 51, surely?

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Thu, Jun 19 2014 11:18 AM



    If it's "almost 6 PM here"-your words, read them above- and the time stamp says 1:33 one could logically surmise "almost 6" is somewhere near 5:30. Stay with me now, here's where it gets tricky....

    5:30  take away the time stamp equals 4.  You see the time stamp of the post? That would make you 4 hours ahead of WGT becaue 5:30 minus 1:30 = 4. 

    This post showed up on my browser as posted at 10:20am, it is 1:20 in the midwest....I guess there was a time zone setting when you register or something i didn't do because the posting time doesn't jive with any of my posts YJ...

    I just said Myrtle Beach because he had a beef with some guys in another thread who were going to Myrtle B, he was supposed to meet him there a whip his @ss or something like that LOL

    and it was the only town I could think of even though my cousin has a tobacco farm there and I was there 2 summers ago for the girl US Amateur Soccer national championships....


    edit: this 1 shows 11:18 so it is 2 hrs off


  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jun 19 2014 11:31 AM

    I would think he's in Area 51, surely?

    LOL. I finally understand why he thinks like he does-he's in a different time warp or something. Might be time to get Yancy on the case. Best to avoid those types I hear.

    OK Donnie or Doc or whoever else you are-you win, I'm bored bringing you out. It's tiring having to descend to ignorant depths to communicate with some people and I've been ignorant enough.  You've painted enough of a picture to qualify whatever opinions you have so take a good last shot at me. See if you can come up with something other than name-calling, age or post related.

    As for me, I'm going to do what old, grey haired guys do. Putt home in my Cadillac, grab one of those frozen mugs out of the freezer, pour a beer that just about freezes in the glass and head out to the back yard where I can enjoy my precious pugs daring any animal to come in their yard, listen to the Yankee game and watch my garden grow. :-)

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Thu, Jun 19 2014 11:31 AM


    P.S. Almost  forgot  both have The Black R1    Both way above level 93  Both low AVGs      Point Made Yet Again.    They help me prove it daily.    :)   

    There's only one word for you:


    Bloody censors.

  • rmchangin
    1,327 Posts
    Thu, Jun 19 2014 11:54 AM



    P.S. Almost  forgot  both have The Black R1    Both way above level 93  Both low AVGs      Point Made Yet Again.    They help me prove it daily.    :)   

    There's only one word for you:


    Bloody censors.

    AGREED !

    Hats.............................. get your Hats HERE!