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STOP putting new clubs out of my reach !!!!!!!

rated by 0 users
Thu, Jun 19 2014 11:54 AM (156 replies)
  • k88ss
    14 Posts
    Mon, Jun 16 2014 9:57 PM

    I have been playing this game since 2009.

    I enjoy it, and I play for the fun and connection with others.  That said I do need to be somewhat competitive or it is not worth playing.

     At this point, I am happy with where I am except for my driver.  I need an upgrade.

    I have played a long time and it seems that when I get close to the level I need to buy the driver I want, you raise the level needed to buy it.  Lately I needed to reach level 94 to get said driver.  I am almost done level 92, then one more level and I can buy....  BUT NO !!!!!!

    Now you have moved the levels of the rivers I was looking to get to 96, 98, and 100 for those potential drivers. When I was in the high 80's levels, these drivers were in low 90's. No hey re out of reach again.  I soooo want to use all sorts of awful language to describe my anger towards how you are treating us / me.

    As it sits, it will be another 6 months before I can purchase a new driver that would help make me competitive.  The way you have been changing things, I have no doubt that the level requirements will be raised by the time I get there again.  I am so frustrated, I want to quit this game altogether. 

    If no one from WGT replies to my concern, I will quit.



  • notonthis
    893 Posts
    Mon, Jun 16 2014 10:13 PM

    I am level 106 and i use the 282 sldr the putter wins games not the driver.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Mon, Jun 16 2014 10:26 PM

    If your talking about the Black R1 it was only for sale a short time during a promotion a long time ago at lvl 93 not 94, the white R1 has always been lvl 98....the only lvl 94 driver the R11 is still there and plenty long enough to be competitive....the SLDR is a great driver and has been available since lvl 79 I think....>smile<


    edit: and what he said /\ /\ /\ /\ /\

  • ScottHope
    10,676 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 2:14 AM

    It's very easy to think that a few yards extra on a drive will change your game dramatically, but I don't believe that it does. What is more important is to get your approaches onto the right area of the green for a birdie/eagle chance and then nailing that putt. So I would concentrate on the approaches & putting (as previously stated).

  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 3:09 AM

    Those few extra yards do matter on some Par 5 holes if it means a 3I approach rather than 3W although the Big Bertha 3W's stopping power now negates that slightly.

    Of course putting is the key, but sometimes every little does help.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 4:05 AM


    Now you have moved the levels of the rivers I was looking to get to 96, 98, and 100 for those potential drivers. When I was in the high 80's levels, these drivers were in low 90's.

    No they weren't.  At least the L96 and L100 ones weren't anyway.  The L98 R1 was available for a limited time, twice if I recall correctly, at L93 but that's the only one of those 3 that was ever available at a lower level.

    There are lower level versions of them but they're still at whatever level they were introduced at.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 4:31 AM
    The SLDR is a great club and available to you now. It got me to TL.
    409 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 4:32 AM


    Those few extra yards do matter on some Par 5 holes if it means a 3I approach rather than 3W although the Big Bertha 3W's stopping power now negates that slightly.

    Of course putting is the key, but sometimes every little does help.


    Don't Even Bother trying.... these guys don't wanna hear you crying cause they have a 3 iron to the  green and you have to use a 3 wood.  

    But boy if you were playing them and you were  A Tour Master.    And had a big driver with a teebox advantage.   Boy you would hear them cry then.    

      But its ok  they are right driver does not win you the game.  But an easier executed approach shot does.     Thus why Legends and TL's  Complain about having to play Tour Masters.     After the tee shot  its an easier approach right?     They shoot these cheating like scores  and hints the fact  there always shooting alone in ready-gos and big prize tourneys.    They are stuck in there own little worlds.   And stuck constantly playing alone.  because the 1st thing I do when I see one of those 54 AVG  cheats  I just kick them from my game.    :)        

  • PTrenter
    438 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 4:48 AM


    Don't Even Bother trying.... these guys don't wanna hear you crying cause they have a 3 iron to the  green and you have to use a 3 wood.  

    But boy if you were playing them and you were  A Tour Master.    And had a big driver with a teebox advantage.   Boy you would hear them cry then.    

      But its ok  they are right driver does not win you the game.  But an easier executed approach shot does.     Thus why Legends and TL's  Complain about having to play Tour Masters.     After the tee shot  its an easier approach right?     They shoot these cheating like scores  and hints the fact  there always shooting alone in ready-gos and big prize tourneys.    They are stuck in there own little worlds.   And stuck constantly playing alone.  because the 1st thing I do when I see one of those 54 AVG  cheats  I just kick them from my game.    :)        

    Ok firstly, I wasn't crying about anything and secondly, can I get the rest of that in English please.  I've tried reading it 4 times and now my head hurts.


  • derekortt
    683 Posts
    Tue, Jun 17 2014 6:50 AM



    Those few extra yards do matter on some Par 5 holes if it means a 3I approach rather than 3W although the Big Bertha 3W's stopping power now negates that slightly.

    Of course putting is the key, but sometimes every little does help.



    Don't Even Bother trying.... these guys don't wanna hear you crying cause they have a 3 iron to the  green and you have to use a 3 wood.  

    But boy if you were playing them and you were  A Tour Master.    And had a big driver with a teebox advantage.   Boy you would hear them cry then.    

      But its ok  they are right driver does not win you the game.  But an easier executed approach shot does.     Thus why Legends and TL's  Complain about having to play Tour Masters.     After the tee shot  its an easier approach right?     They shoot these cheating like scores  and hints the fact  there always shooting alone in ready-gos and big prize tourneys.    They are stuck in there own little worlds.   And stuck constantly playing alone.  because the 1st thing I do when I see one of those 54 AVG  cheats  I just kick them from my game.    :)        

    cheats? Perhaps they simply play much better than you are able to