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Re: new "Title" field in CC member list

rated by 0 users
Fri, Aug 22 2014 5:46 AM (2 replies)
  • groundsage
    184 Posts
    Thu, Aug 21 2014 10:52 AM

    Is this "Title" field as important or more important than the field that was removed, "JoinDate" in the CC members list?  IMO, Join date is more useful for a few reasons, moreso than whether or not someone is a member or owner or officer-- considering that everyone but one, two or three people are listed as other than members.  Director, owner, or other officer titles -- considering that there are so few, could be listed in the header.  Otherwise, put the club's inception date in the header.  When the club began, how long it has existed, and who have been a member for how long is useful information.  Too many clubs are here today and gone tomorrow, and who is who, and how long they have been there is good information when choosing a club.

    Also the username field does not sort on username alphabetically.  At first glance it looks like it does, but scroll down our club member list and after W, the list continues beginning with A again.


  • spaceghost88
    1,624 Posts
    Thu, Aug 21 2014 1:22 PM

    point cursor on player name at member list to see join date.


  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Fri, Aug 22 2014 5:46 AM


    point cursor on player name at member list to see join date.


    But you can no longer sort the members by join date - VERY useful, eg, to see what the latest 10 new recruits have been doing recently, etc.
