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Re: pro tour ..greens very fast..putting distances?

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Sat, Jan 1 2011 7:52 AM (7 replies)
  • supermex79
    31 Posts
    Thu, Oct 14 2010 9:29 PM

    Ive been using the old putting distances and now with the greens to be very fast there any new distance rules I can use.....example.....30ft putt = 6' for every club movement used with the beginner greens....thanks

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Fri, Oct 15 2010 8:38 PM

    When I started playing here, all you had to do was hit the ball a few feet past the pin...and for every inch up or down in elevation, add a foot to the putt.  Now, its seems to be more about feel and feel requires practice.  As you can see by my scores since "The Change" not much of that has been going on (smile). 

    So you know, there is some info on my profile about putting but it involves the meter, not club movements.  Check it out and let me know what you think.  This was done long ago and I have not added the 300 foot meter to the calculations.


  • supermex79
    31 Posts
    Sat, Oct 16 2010 6:35 AM

    Thanks for the input...i was pretty surprised that I didn't get any replies at all.....I was thinking that "oh well"...guess I will learn the hard way and just play...I appreciated your reply and I will try and use that for a guide and see what more there any way to remove the (hole grid)map on the right hand corner of the screen...once in a awhile it interferes with a shot and you cannot see your club or ball....I wish you could click and drag it...but...I have not found a way to move it....thanks again...

  • AntonioBunkeras
    262 Posts
    Sat, Oct 16 2010 7:29 AM

    Putting is not an exact science and as Joeyola correctly pointed out it's basically all about feel and practice, lots of practice. That said, you can try this rule of thumb that I use when putting on very fast greens (forget about club movements): take the putter distances at face value, i.e. if you ball is 7.5 feet (more or less) away then hitting it halfway (more or less) through your 15 feet increment (if your putter has one) should make it. If the ball is 15 feet (more or less) from the hole, you could either go for a 15 feet increment full strenght (little bit less for a 14/13 putt) or opt for halfway (more or less) the 30 feet increment, although the former option will make the meter move faster. And so on, and so get the point. Of course, for every inch up or down in elevation, add or subtract a bit to the putt.

    Keep practicing and good luck!

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Sat, Oct 16 2010 3:01 PM

    supermex79: there any way to remove the (hole grid)map on the right hand corner of the screen...once in a awhile it interferes with a shot and you cannot see your club or ball....I wish you could click and drag it...but...I have not found a way to move it....

    Know way, that I know, to move or remove the hole map.  Can't say that it bothers me except when it gets in the way when viewing where balls stop on the green. There are lots of other things you can change in the Options.


  • Yappy22
    733 Posts
    Sat, Oct 16 2010 3:33 PM

    30FT-.6 for standard-7 for very fast-8 for tournament ect...ft.  across all your ft. lengths. don't forget to look at the up and down arrow. generally the ball will have a bigger break at the faster speeds. then hit it and PRAY!!!!!!!!!!! Also buy the best putter you can. Hope this helps.

  • Neil110772
    287 Posts
    Sun, Oct 17 2010 12:38 AM

    Ive seen so many strange putts happen I dont think there is a hard and fast rule. My last round I had a 4.5 ft putt, straight and level hit it on my 15ft meter half way (enough to go 7.5ft) and the putt held up short???

  • golferfrank63
    187 Posts
    Sat, Jan 1 2011 7:52 AM

    you may had a uphll you didnt  notice