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Re: Club Communication & Game Rooms

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 11 2014 12:14 PM (5 replies)
  • jwhistler31
    357 Posts
    Tue, Sep 9 2014 6:51 PM

    I am in a great CC and have been for some time... we use skype and have a group chat room where we can give each other a hard time and more importantly set up alt shot, match play or other type games with other club members...... Problem is Skype has become a total pile of C.R.A.P  (Can't Read and Post) because the conversation load times lags from anywhere from a few minutes for some to days for others ( Im on the day list thus my frustration).  My conversation will not load and even if I just try to type a comment it will hourglass and not post anywhere from an hour to days.... I gave up playing for about 6 months due this but had hoped to get back into it.....   but the problem is still there.  I don't necessarily want to leave my club, but There has to be a better way.  How do other clubs do it?  Any suggestions?  By the way it is not my system.... get same results on Samsung S4 and S5 phones..... Chat with microsoft and skype people they say it is a "frequently" reported problem and the cause is likely someone in the room who hasn't updated there skype.... which is just microsoft bs for its a major problem for you but not for us so we are not going to fix it.....  Anyway- ideas, suggestions, or what does your club use.

  • bobby58lucas
    164 Posts
    Tue, Sep 9 2014 8:55 PM

    Hi M8

    One of our members uses a site called ventrilo. He has no problems at all

    good luck 


  • SuperKanga
    3,628 Posts
    Tue, Sep 9 2014 11:38 PM

    I haven't yet tried it, so can't recommend or otherwise, but I hear a program called RaidCall works well with WGT.

    I'm considering testing it out in my CC, and will post the results here.

    Here is the link :-

    RaidCall 100%25 FREE Group Communication Software IM, Group Communication and Voice Chat http

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Wed, Sep 10 2014 1:13 AM

    I use C3 and I have Teamspeak as a back up.

    With C3 voice chat it doesn't use much CPU and you can create many rooms, no server needed, and each room can have a phone number if you need people to join via cell phone.

    Yancy and I tried this and we were broadcasting on Twitch and it worked fine.  I like to just download C3 and use it, I can make my own WGT related skins for it and it's easy to use.

    Free text chat services like Chatzy* are available, free and easy to use and it's basically a few clicks and you're in a text chat room.



  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Wed, Sep 10 2014 5:50 AM

    my club uses teamspeak and have not probs with it also try voxbox which we are looking at

  • DaveDwingdale
    1,240 Posts
    Thu, Sep 11 2014 12:14 PM

    If you're just looking for a text based solution you might give good old "chatzy" ( a try.  It's easy, doesn't mess up your meter, FREE, and even an idiot like me can use it.

    Good luck with the search.

