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Re: Stop the sandbaggers

Wed, Feb 12 2025 2:06 PM (23 replies)
  • Sowester
    4 Posts
    Tue, Feb 11 2025 9:52 AM

    I'm right with you there Pal.

    I reckon there is some kind of hack going on but I haven't been able to work it out.

    Like you get the putt preview when you are a hack, but what if you could get it still when you are more experienced. That might explain why some players take 45 seconds on a putt then rattle a really long one in the hole.

    The sub-60 rounds though, I mean in real golf that virtually never ever happens yet on here there are dudes doing it all the time.

    Something dodgy going on. 

  • Cameron122010
    24 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2025 6:46 AM

    Dude there are enough players who shoot in the low 50's who also  regularly stream their rounds in real time. There's nothing dodgy going on other than theyve put their 10,000 hours in on this game , have mapped their clubs down to the yard, know where to leave the ball on the green for the straightest putt, etc. Theyre just better than you and most everyone else.  

  • BKR1
    32 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2025 11:13 AM

    For sure many good players, and cred to them. But if you are this good, with high level (100 + +), how can you still be at a low tier? That's what I don't understand.

  • HamdenPro
    2,529 Posts
    Wed, Feb 12 2025 2:06 PM

    For sure many good players, and cred to them. But if you are this good, with high level (100 + +), how can you still be at a low tier?

    Sure, there are sandbaggers but that does get them clubs which are not available to them. However, there are also many players with high level clubs and at a low tier.

    There are a few reasons for this, one of which is when a player, with the help of WGT, has a new account, like some of the players who had account issues when "flash" ended. WGT transferred their clubs to their new account. As a result, there were many players with high level clubs, and mad skills, that were low level, and even low tier.

    You cannot simply assume someone is a sandbagger because of their clubs, level or skill set. Most of the time, IMO, you will find out that they were high level players with account problems, with new accounts and clubs transferred over. For whatever reason, WGT does not move them to the tier/level of the old account.