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Re: chip shots and pitch shots

rated by 0 users
Tue, Sep 16 2014 11:29 AM (25 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 5:08 AM

    I remember making over 20 holed approach shots using the flop w/ the starters when I first began.

    Me, too. I used to flop everything in sight in the beginning. The Satin 64 was responsible for that because it was so good. I actually didn't start with pitches and chips until I got to that TM wall stage-the one you hit when driver/flop on 90% of the holes was the play and the average got rooted in cement. Looking to get off the average schneid, I went to playing around with the pitch and chip and am quite glad that I did. :-)

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 9:00 AM

    Like it`s already mentioned, it`s important to learn all your shots for the right situation. The Flop though, is especially a saving shot on RSG and St. Andrews with the rolling greens.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 9:12 AM

    Like it`s already mentioned, it`s important to learn all your shots for the right situation.


    The Flop though, is especially a saving shot on RSG and St. Andrews with the rolling greens.

    Whatever works for each player.  Personally the only time I can think of ever flopping (when not in sand) would be from a little down the slope at the front of St As first Par 5 with pin front.  

    Talking with with  HL Cleves.  

    Other shots allow me to go at the hole more I find, and get tap in close as the worse result.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 9:12 AM

    Like it`s already mentioned, it`s important to learn all your shots for the right situation.


    The Flop though, is especially a saving shot on RSG and St. Andrews with the rolling greens.

    Whatever works for each player.  Personally the only time I can think of ever flopping (when not in sand) would be from a little down the slope at the front of St As first Par 5 with pin front.  

    Talking with with  HL Cleves.  

    Other shots allow me to go at the hole more I find, and get tap in close as the worse result.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 10:00 AM


    Whatever works for each player.  Personally the only time I can think of ever flopping (when not in sand) would be from a little down the slope at the front of St As first Par 5 with pin front.  

    This is so interesting to read how each of us have sculptured our games. I flop almost everything from 5 to 30 yards, in any lie from fringe to 40-50 rough. I punch the others from 28 to 45 yards, also any lie. I never pitch, haven't for years (too lazy to learn) and I chip once in a blue moon. I have decent up/down stats...~ SP ~

  • MichaelStroke
    2,066 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 11:29 AM



    Whatever works for each player.  Personally the only time I can think of ever flopping (when not in sand) would be from a little down the slope at the front of St As first Par 5 with pin front.  


    This is so interesting to read how each of us have sculptured our games. I flop almost everything from 5 to 30 yards, in any lie from fringe to 40-50 rough. I punch the others from 28 to 45 yards, also any lie. I never pitch, haven't for years (too lazy to learn) and I chip once in a blue moon. I have decent up/down stats...~ SP ~

    I'm the same way.  I flop damn near everything.  Once in a blue moon I'll pitch (if the distances line up perfect) or I'll chip if I'm under 6 yards and on practically flat surfaces.  Otherwise, flopping reduces the factor of the green, by and large.  Not very affected by wind either.