JohnFlynno:I waste 4 -5 shots each round I play because of this deficiency of mine.
I'm not a true golfer, and like courteney I have hardly played the chip or pitch, (or punch, no idea why, other than from trouble). As to chip and pitch I reckon that this was because discovering the flop vastly improved my play around the green and I immediately wanted to score as well as I could.
I'm now using chip and punch whenever I can to learn (pitch comes later) these shots. I sort of wish I had persisted with chip and pitch but tell myself they would have been different shots with the equipment, on the greens, I played when I was at your level/tier.
I'd reckon if what you want to do is score as low as possible, flop. As Lizard said flops get up and down, chips and pitches go in. I think at this stage you are looking to get up and down. At your level, with your cubs, chips don't go in very often are are harder to leave close. You will pretty much have to relearn all the shots with each equipment/tier upgrade so if you don't use some shots you can gradually learn them at the next level.
If you have lots of patience and don't mind higher scores then of course it would be good to learn all the shots at each level.
YJ and Lizard tell that players at the top of this game, and real golfers, need all the shots and they should and do know best. This may be obvious but; most top golfers also have shots that they are particularly confident with and will try to maneuver the ball so that these are the ones that they play. So if for instance you have a wedge that goes 60yds accurately, maybe don't hit your ball to 40yds.
This is naturally all my opinion and/or experience and we all play this game differently, I had very few upgrades until higher levels.
I see you've taken YJ's advice on wedges, that can only help.