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chip shots and pitch shots

rated by 0 users
Tue, Sep 16 2014 11:29 AM (25 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 10:51 AM
    Of course it's my opinion. Who upset Jim?
  • garypinhunter
    1,049 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 11:38 AM


    Don't let people tell you that pitch and chip shots are really important on here. I don't use either and I'm not alone in that.

    Please add IMO to this as this is your opinion. Pitch and chip shots in the hands of practiced, experienced players trumps anything you can do with a flop or a choked swing.That's gamer stuff. A true golfer will develop all the shots so there's an appropriate one for every circumstance. Flops get up and down nice;pitches and chips go in.That is my opinion based on serious experience.

    +2 jim

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 1:29 PM

    Of course it's my opinion. Who upset Jim?

    How do you interpret upset from a simple request with a please in front of it, especially as it applies to something you don't use?

    "Don't let people tell you that pitch and chip shots are really important on here"

    Telling somebody to do something is not an opinion. 

  • JohnFlynno
    15 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 4:43 PM

    Thanks for your response.  How do I go about sending a friend invite.  I'm new to the forum.


  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 4:47 PM


    Thanks for your response.  How do I go about sending a friend invite.  I'm new to the forum.


    Just go to the player's profile page and choose the the "Add as Friend" option. You can go to their page by clicking on their name or even searching for them in the WGT Community tab.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Sep 15 2014 9:36 PM

    Anyway. It's results that count not execution. You don't get extra points for technical merit.  In my humble opinion of course.

  • Lizard69
    2,006 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 1:16 AM


    Don't let people tell you that pitch and chip shots are really important on here. I don't use either and I'm not alone in that.

    Please add IMO to this as this is your opinion. Pitch and chip shots in the hands of practiced, experienced players trumps anything you can do with a flop or a choked swing.That's gamer stuff. A true golfer will develop all the shots so there's an appropriate one for every circumstance. Flops get up and down nice;pitches and chips go in.That is my opinion based on serious experience.

    Well said!

    The pitch and chip aren't just important on here, they are crucial shots to master if you hope to hole out more and therefore make better scores. 

    I flop rarely but if it is the only option available, then needs must..

    Just my opinion :-)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 2:19 AM

    A true golfer will develop all the shots so there's an appropriate one for every circumstance.

    I totally agree with this as well - true on the real course and in this game.

    Some shots work better on some course than others, but having a full array and the ability of when to use them is the distinction between the top players.

    Whilst there may be no points for technical merit, there is a reward for aking a shot less if you hole the shot - and my money is on the chip or pitch going in over a flop.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 2:54 AM

    ok I'm just going to jump in here like Devil's advocate ... it might be agreed that a pitch is a more likely hole than a flop, for argument's sake let's say it is...but then I should learn to master the flop. (just for good measure) 

    A ball is hit, it was aimed, it has terrain and conditions, as do all shots. Why aren't my flops going in? 'It bounced right' - 'aim more left' ; 'It was blown by the wind.' - 'compensate more for wind.' Maybe it's just the odds are better for a pitch. Well, let's change those odds.

    I remember making over 20 holed approach shots using the flop w/ the starters when I first began. Then I liked to chip a lot. Now I'm learning more about the pitch. 

    Now we know the pros use the proper shot types for the proper conditions to hole a shot, but what about the expert who can that but also hole a shot using a flop when the pitch was proper? Or the other way around. etc. etc.

    I'm not serious, I'm just 'Devil's advocate'  lol!

  • DodgyPutter
    4,690 Posts
    Tue, Sep 16 2014 5:07 AM


    I waste 4 -5 shots each round I play because of this deficiency of mine.

    I'm not a true golfer, and like courteney I have hardly played the chip or pitch, (or punch, no idea why, other than from trouble). As to chip and pitch I reckon that this was because discovering the flop vastly improved my play around the green and I immediately wanted to score as well as I could.

    I'm now using chip and punch whenever I can to learn (pitch comes later) these shots. I sort of wish I had persisted with chip and pitch but tell myself they would have been different shots with the equipment, on the greens, I played when I was at your level/tier. 

    I'd reckon if what you want to do is score as low as possible, flop.  As Lizard said flops get up and down, chips and pitches go in. I think at this stage you are looking to get up and down.  At your level, with your cubs, chips don't go in very often are are harder to leave close.  You will pretty much have to relearn all the shots with each equipment/tier upgrade so if you don't use some shots you can gradually learn them at the next level.

    If you have lots of patience and don't mind higher scores then of course it would be good to learn all the shots at each level.

     YJ and Lizard tell that players at the top of this game, and real golfers, need all the shots and they should and do know best. This may be obvious but; most top golfers also have shots that they are particularly confident with and will try to maneuver the ball so that these are the ones that they play.  So if for instance you have a wedge that goes 60yds accurately, maybe don't hit your ball to 40yds.  

    This is naturally all my opinion and/or experience and we all play this game differently, I had very few upgrades until higher levels.

    I see you've taken YJ's advice on wedges, that can only help.