Hi - I am Yancy.
I recently leveled up or whatnot to the Tour Pro arenas.
Been enjoying the WGT experience and enjoy playing here. For those of you alls who play the real life golf courses allready know this: Tee markers have a standard color system that all courses use.
Red is always the closest to the hole tee box and is considered the Ladies Tee.
Then it folllows with white,blue, then perhaps even gold or black.
Please I mean no offensables to the ladies out there. Most of you could prolly crush me on the course - and I am not confused/uncomfortable with me sessuality. This is not about anything like that.
My point is I am playing St. Andrews as I am typing this and my tee box markers are indeed red in color.
Now I am just a common man - aint be sayin' I knows its alls - but I think my point is of the validity. Please post your opinions.