send me a friend invite, and if you skype we can bounce a few ideas around, it's very hard trying to members to showup at the same time for a tourney , since our clubs are mostly made up of international players and different time zones, one Idea that seems to work well is we set up a simucast tourney, same conditions , same everything, if its unlimited, or single play, winds and greens the same, then we add up the scores of agreed upon number of players , let the event last a week, so weekend warriors , 9 to 5, or mon thru friday players can all get a chance to enter a score... thats why it's better to talk about these things instead of typing .... Alex , The American Golf Academy And Skype Club.
and while im here a little promoting for my club lol. If you belong to a club and your happy Ignore this.
Hello looking for 5 players who would like to be in an active club,we only have a 50 member squad by choice, and have about 40 plus posted scores in our weekly Major , ran more like a golf tour, we ask players to play 5 to 8 certain games a month and be active in a great place golf enviroment , we welcome you for trying us out. Alex . Most players do accept friend invites, some skype, some don't and just chat. If you miss a Major, it's understandable... they last a week and there unlimited play, but chances are you wont miss two, our core of 35 players really like seeing our leader boards full, your always welcomed back, Only members who don't get any grief from missing a Major here and there are members who have won two Majors , members going on Vacation, members who are iLL. just keep me or the other directors in the know... we are not a new club, and we have had 63 Majors in a row, We have Monthly events , that have been going on for a long while, your invited to start your own games, If you join, you get free putter pal, free shot pal, and create events from any tees you like. we can have up to 12 events going on at one time, but only ask you to post 8 scores a month , in certain games .. but feel free to play them all if you like, and we do have some Prem games 1 or 2 usually going on, strictly voluntary to play. Most players that join, usually don't leave on there own, they love this place and the friendships we make, ... Alex