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Re: Clash Event: Gone for good?

rated by 0 users
Fri, Oct 10 2014 10:25 PM (16 replies)
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  • zotte
    255 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 10:25 PM

    rich get richer and the poor stay poor.


    just like real life..capitalists


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 10:29 PM

    The thing that urked me was that 6 hours to book your scores, then another clash occurred. 

    Maybe set them up for 1 round in 24 hours WGT?  Some of us do work and sleep!

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Fri, Oct 10 2014 10:49 PM


    We will be posting the final results.  

    Wrong: You posted but one result.

    I was talking about my CC's results. The result's tabs might as well be accessible until the next event.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 6:42 AM


    The CC vs CC clash was totally unfair to smaller clubs. We were 3-0 our club has less than 50 members no way to compete with club's with 250 members so glad the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. I like the idea just have to make it fair to everyone!!!!

    +1. We (43 members) went 4-0 and that was only good enough for 11th place, nowhere near 1st.

    In thinking about this overnight and how it impacts WGT, it appears to me that all they're doing is whacking a player 37 credits to keep playing the clash after the superpasses are used up. So it's actually a contest to see who can buy the top spot. GL with that, WGT.

  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 6:54 AM

    In thinking about this overnight and how it impacts WGT, it appears to me that all they're doing is whacking a player 37 credits to keep playing the clash after the superpasses are used up. So it's actually a contest to see who can buy the top spot. GL with that, WGT.

    Here, Here, Jim !

    From the looks of the forums seems as though the "clash" was like the opening day of an IPO.

    After all the years we've been here, does it surprise any of us that this was anything but a fair playing field?

    Smaller CC's have no chance against the heavily populated ones, that will continue to grow because of the future releases of the remaining "Gold Equipment".

  • JonJohn2
    307 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 7:27 AM

    Better if you post that it will not return.

  • TDeBaker
    188 Posts
    Sat, Oct 11 2014 8:09 AM

    Why the clash may ultimately fail.

    1) The prizes are lame.  3 speed boosts, bit deal.  4 CC passes, yawn.  my CC ended up in the 20's somewhere, (post full results anywhere wgt?), and these prizes are worth about 523 credits.  I spent that much playing the clash.  I would rather have the credits to defray my losses, or you could make it more interesting and come up with something unique and desirable.  

    2) If you have 250 members you win, or damn close to that.  That scenario will play out until only large CC's play and the rest of us decide to focus on playing the game.  No one will continually repeat a contest that they have no chance of winning and who's prizes are not worth the effort they have to go through to place.  Develop a modifier that evens the playing field and smaller cc's will continue to participate.  

    3) Back to back clashes are inane.  No one can sit at the computer for the entire day to play a clash.  Spread the clashes out and let ppl have a life and participate in an event.

    Here is a rough idea for your CC modifier.  Create a Clash pass that is separate from the regular CC pass and is only available within the clash event.  Each CC gets the same number of Member Clash passes that any member can access and the same number of Clash Super passes that the owner controls.  Now each club has the same opportunity and limits.  Members buy and uses passes adding to their point totals and good luck to all the players.  This way your PLAY and your COMMITMENT, not your SIZE will determine who is the winner.  It's a start you can work with.

    Good Luck WGT.  I like team events and would like to continue to represent my CC in things like this, but it is unlikely I would feel motivated to repeat the clash unless there were a lot of changes.  


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