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Re: Clash Rewards - Received?

rated by 0 users
Wed, Nov 12 2014 8:46 AM (20 replies)
  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Oct 14 2014 11:08 PM

    Alonso - I promised to make sure that everyone got their cc rewards that they were supposed to received based on the the CC reward table in the event.  If you did not get your items please contact us.

    The CC reward table is here


    That's nice, *rubs my eyes".

    These items are still missing:


    Where is the T&Cs of this competition, where's the list of prices?

    Where's my CC's score and position listed?

    Add "How many of my CC members did play?"

    How should I answer to your statement without basic information?

    Is it too much to demand your delivery? Three of four items still open.

    I also noted that the clash games which were played in competition, are only designated as regular games in the score history. That means, only single XPs (95) instead of double tournament XPs (190) for player, competition and CC(?)


    And: Who is Alonso?

  • ostfriedel
    2,054 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 2:00 AM

    Alonso is the friend of the daughter of the man who cleans the swimming pool of one of the wgt-owners. Alonso is 10 years old and creates the wgt cc vs cc clashes.

  • stevepsheehan
    2,791 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 2:23 AM


    Alonso is the friend of the daughter of the man who cleans the swimming pool of one of the wgt-owners. Alonso is 10 years old and creates the wgt cc vs cc clashes.

    Haha - if only this were true! He would probably definitely do a better job of it than WGT have ;-)

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 5:44 AM

    [quote user="RodneyBlake"]

    Yup we got our so called Free passes for getting in the top 50 and I say so call Free.

    But since having theses Free passes as prizes my free daily passes have stopped and there is no countdown timer to the next pass.

    Whats up with this Wgt? Prizes that are not prizes hmmm. Give with one hand and take away with the other.


    This is a problem with the passes from the beginning. If you buy a pass or win passes it should not affect the free pass in any way. Otherwise, buying a pass punishes you.

  • Rolando83
    16 Posts
    Wed, Oct 15 2014 7:23 PM

    I haven't received the prices yet; my CC owner did received them.


  • RemBeau
    2,515 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 8:52 PM


    Is there any  delay in regards to CC Events #2  rewards. ?

    No one in our CC get them yet.  

  • 27stitches
    161 Posts
    Tue, Nov 11 2014 10:49 PM

    SHHHHHHHH the rewards are like the results - too secretive to release !!

  • DonCaron
    5,502 Posts
    Wed, Nov 12 2014 4:51 AM

    My club has not rec`d them either. Please give the Boost to someone that wants it. The Humane society will get me for knocking birds out of the air. Lol

  • bbqdog61
    430 Posts
    Wed, Nov 12 2014 8:46 AM

    Our club has not received  our passes and boosts either. I believe we finished 26-30th... Hard to tell as WGT unplugs scoreboard when even is over. Would be nice if WGT post a final scoreboard with the point totals for the clashes. Wait, that is when they have to balance their checkbook for the event! Still think we should know exactly had we did!!!

  • RemBeau
    2,515 Posts
    Wed, Nov 12 2014 7:00 PM

    Ok rewards are in 
