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Clash Rewards - Received?

rated by 0 users
Wed, Nov 12 2014 8:46 AM (20 replies)
  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Sun, Oct 12 2014 7:59 PM

    I am just wondering if other Country Clubs that participated in the first clash have had problems receiving their prizes.

    At last count just before the close of the first clash 113 members of the CC I belong to had played in the Clash.As of just about an hour ago, to the best of what can be determined from our CC Forum replies, 6 of those 113 members have received their bonus CC Passes and Speed up boost and the other 107 have not (or have not answered yet). None the less, way more have answered they have not.

    So, question to those who follow this sub-forum.

    Is this a systemic problem across many a CC or was our situation an isolated problem with WGT's payout program?



  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 11:28 AM

    It is taking a lot of time to reward all the clash items.  Sorry for the delay and we will speed this up next time.


    Let me know if you are still missing items.  We will make sure you get them.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Oct 13 2014 3:18 PM

    Let me know if you are still missing items.

    Where is the T&Cs of this competition, where's the list of prices?

    Where's my CC's score and position listed?

    We will make sure you get them.

    I'm gonna remind you to this promise.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Oct 14 2014 2:27 PM


    Another missing item is to add the putter's value to the recipient's earnings.

    Honour to whom honour is due.

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Tue, Oct 14 2014 6:02 PM

    Alonso - I promised to make sure that everyone got their cc rewards that they were supposed to received based on the the CC reward table in the event.  If you did not get your items please contact us.


    The CC reward table is here



  • thesnakeyes
    892 Posts
    Tue, Oct 14 2014 7:11 PM

    we got all ours guess it because we didnt cheat (sorry found a loophole that was allowed in the rules and still paid out) wow ty wgt. 4 free passes and 3 super boosts money well spent in achieving nothing but cheats never prosper except on wgt and still no effin apology or recompense for it my members are incensed by the total lack respect shown to them by wgt

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Oct 14 2014 7:20 PM

    for it my members are incensed by the total lack respect shown to them by wgt

    Well the CC I am in I can proudly say would have not entered any gaming territory against others - put it that way.

    Anyone who plays another one of these on anything remotely approaching this basis OR buys passes out of their pocket to encourage that nonsense also needs to think.  Personally I would like to see WGT move the pass NO button to the right so it takes less time moving my mouse over to it when it's not free.....Tongue in cheek that last part, but not the rest.

    The ghouling part is how many good people have been taken for a ride in all of this, and nothing from WGT apologising or stating a better way forward.  Once a fantastic golf site now fast going to a two bit half a brain slots joint.....On the plus side the platform remains phenomenal, just stop these lately things that are stuffing it up WGT please.

  • RodneyBlake
    510 Posts
    Tue, Oct 14 2014 7:46 PM

    Yup we got our so called Free passes for getting in the top 50 and I say so call Free.

    But since having theses Free passes as prizes my free daily passes have stopped and there is no countdown timer to the next pass.

    Whats up with this Wgt? Prizes that are not prizes hmmm. Give with one hand and take away with the other.

  • brad61
    192 Posts
    Tue, Oct 14 2014 8:32 PM

    Agree 100% my members also will not be participating in this farce...

    WGC..World Golf Casino...