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Re: Yes, it's an effing announcement

Sat, Oct 18 2014 1:31 PM (144 replies)
  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 12:19 PM

    i got a darn kid on the way in January too. life is def is not where i saw it going just 6 months ago. 

    Aaaaa NOOOOO, you have a child coming, a life, your blood! Your responsibility, the greatest thing that will ever happen to you! If you don't feel that way it says more about your character than using a cheat tool...


    A darn kid ???? You really do have zero class .A cheat and now that statement ? As a loving Dad of 3 great kids that I would do anything for, that really struck a nerve.There are people on this earth that would give anything to be blessed with a child.

    Please just go away.... You make me sick.

  • 1yes1no
    223 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 12:23 PM

    When you are cutting out cancer you are going to get a few good cells.  Same with chemotherapy, radiation therapy, any surgery.  Illness itself kills good cells.  Would you like to meekly hope it will go away by itself, hope the body will stop dying, or would you like to take the bad-tasting medicine or cut the cancer out?

    Mealy-mouthed platitudes are not getting it done, and the honest majority of players is getting very tired of inequity.  I use that in the archaic meaning of "sin" not in the new age meaning of wealth buying better things.

    Why do I bother to post things that will be denied and denounced?  Because it will make folks see words and thoughts they may be unfamiliar with.  Perhaps it will remind people of a more innocent time when they thought life was fair.  Perhaps it will galvanize someone to realize that evil never leaves of it's own volition.

    Is it possible that a company producing a product could label it with several brand names in order to have more shelf space at the store?  Is it possible that a Church would enjoy their meetings so much that they would forget that their Bible tells them to gird themselves for battle against evil?  Is it possible that a company could turn a blind eye towards a problem?

    Cheating is wrong; it is evil.  Let us call it what it is.  Apologist words such as "loopholes" are something that only politicians and lawyers should use; look up what Jesus said about lawyers and politicians.

    WGT is in business to make money not friends.    They likely will not worry about cheating unless it impacts the money.  That is reality.  Integrity of the game of golf probably doesn't even enter into the equation.  This is my opinion.

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 12:41 PM


    ...    They likely will not worry about cheating unless it impacts the money.  That is reality.  

    This is where it will all end. Money...

    When WGT and parties are handed papers or what have you, stamped with FTC logos and seals or from other designated fraud agencies of the RCMP or other EU countries. 

    WGT, I certainly hope anyway, understand there their business model and operations are subject to International Trade and Consumer laws and they apply to each country. The fact that it's based in the USA means nothing. They are negotiating financial transactions, taking deposits from domestic and international sources, applying exchange rates even, which is an important note.

    I'm very very surprised in the interest of self preservation, this forum hasn't been taken off-line. 

  • WaLk0fLiFe
    285 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 1:04 PM

    To everyone who thinks Lizard69 is a cheat:

    a) Do more research, he has dozens of youtube vids showing his meter AND him explaining shots

    b) Ask him to play showing his screen he will happily do so


    I am willing to do the same in case cheat accusations come flying my way from this post

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sat, Oct 18 2014 1:31 PM

    hey guys

    enough of this. please take your witch hunt to salem, mass or wait a few weeks.
