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Re: How to make WGT Better ?????

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Thu, Oct 28 2010 9:15 PM (14 replies)
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  • Doublemochaman
    2,009 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 3:25 PM

    Ya gotta admit, the sports drinks were kinda clever.  But I'll wait until they offer a good pinot grigio. 

  • Stryder1261
    931 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 3:48 PM

    But what's next?  maybe a $ 20 hot dog or $10 granola bar ? hey WGT, you forgot to charge for all the tee's we use on the tee box ! there's a few more credits (Blood) to squeeze from the player's (turnips). or maybe regripping the clubs ? how about golf gloves ?

    instead of listening to the player's ($$$) ideas and suggestions and making a reasonable solution for all,  lets just keep ignoring them and adding more frivolous options that dont mean a thing to them until they all go away and we can collect unemployment and drink sports drinks for a good long time when WGT goes under.

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 5:22 PM

    Add more stroke courses. Come on guys it is not rocket science. I know, I know it is tough to negotiate with the big courses so what do you do.....Hey I have an idea, for every top course we add lets take a look at some of those that want to become a top tier course, interested in a bit of free advertising and would love to have their course digitized. I bet your sweet A$$ that If given a month most of your members could not only find them but get them to agree. I am not talking about local courses but courses that are just a tier down from the big boys. 4 courses is getting old.

    PS: You mean to tell me you could not find a sports drink to sponsor a tiny bit of advertising over a WGT brand.....That is bad, who the hell does your marketing?

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 5:25 PM

    But what's next?  maybe a $ 20 hot dog or $10 granola bar ? hey WGT, you forgot to charge for all the tee's we use on the tee box ! there's a few more credits (Blood) to squeeze from the player's (turnips). or maybe regripping the clubs ? how about golf gloves ?


    OMG Stryder! Don't give them any ideas!

  • arystheking
    18 Posts
    Thu, Oct 28 2010 9:15 PM

    how about you guys make it easier for people to buy new clubs i mean there way too expensive ,  imean its a game the most expensive club should be 1000 credits and thats a iron set thats r9  thats how you could make the siter better and give us more credits for making amuteur and the pro and then tour pro and then master and then legend thats what would make it better.

                                                    Thank You,



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