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Re: a few thing

rated by 0 users
Fri, Oct 29 2010 2:15 PM (4 replies)
  • kellyisafun1
    6 Posts
    Fri, Oct 29 2010 12:22 PM

    I wanna be able to donate all, if any winning to a decent charity. I would like to see available games with comprable handi's with comprables clubs. And thats just a start...I grew up watching and playing golf, I understand that u all need to make money to keep this game going for all of us...but kinda thought that there might just be some charity in there....

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Fri, Oct 29 2010 12:44 PM

    I don't know of any charities that accept WGT credits. Nice idea though.

  • JerryK74
    268 Posts
    Fri, Oct 29 2010 12:51 PM


    I wanna be able to donate all, if any winning to a decent charity. I would like to see available games with comprable handi's with comprables clubs. And thats just a start...I grew up watching and playing golf, I understand that u all need to make money to keep this game going for all of us...but kinda thought that there might just be some charity in there....


    What a refreshing post! Makes a change from all the bitching in the forum. Good idea Kelly!

  • Joeyola
    1,210 Posts
    Fri, Oct 29 2010 1:25 PM

    I wanna be able to donate all, if any winning to a decent charity.

    You are a good person Kelly.  It would be great to have an option where a person can do some good.   

    Its true that our credits are only play money and worth pennies on the dollar, but WGT could do their part by converting credits, that are designated for giving, to real money equivalents, or at least something closer to face value, to encourage people to donate.  Also, make it so any number of credits, designated to help others, can be donated at any time.


  • richardm2010
    1 Posts
    Fri, Oct 29 2010 2:15 PM

    Sorry to break into this thread but arghhhhhhhhh - why do so many players just disconnect when they are losing....this is really putting me off a brilliant on-line game...FRUSTRATING. Not that I win all the time but always play and claw holes back when playing match play. If I am getting hammered I always continue, regardless.

    I realise you cannot really stop this but surely there should be stats on people who disconnect during games on a regular basis....I am pretty sure I have not disconnected purposefully, maybe bad internet connection... I will not name names here - although very tempting.... most recent player this evening was was HACK level but played extremely well...not impossible I know but I guess he/she is someone who just creates accounts on spec......

    Thanks and apologies for posting here...................this is through my frustrations of not finishing what I thought was a good game AS with 2 to go.....even though he was 2 UP most of the game
