Every 2nd post/thread I read lately is somebody complaining about something about Wgt, Cheats, Prices of clubs and balls.
This great game we like to play is going down the tubes because everybody complains about something... for effs sake peeps, if you don't like it go somewhere else.
IMHO .... Wgt has created a monster of a game and is falling on there own sword. With the introduction of new clubs and balls and not forgetting all the Aids that can help us all there is no revenue coming in.
Just look at the monthly earning winners...Compared to a few years back, they are getting thousand of dollars in wins and that's redonkilus....lol... Basically they don't spend a single dime in the game. So to make up that lost revenue, they have to bring in new clubs and golf balls that are overpriced... even from low levels.
I think the biggest problem Wgt started was to have the High Roller comps, within a CC it's pretty easy to raffle a winner each week to win a huge sum of credits.
This game is free, but is impossible to get good at with starter clubs.
I have no idea how to fix the problem. Well I do, but that's another story.....lol