I am relatively new to WGT but enjoy playing in the free tournaments. I have only played with against someone twice on the game. I have been a member since September of this year and just recently have taken my consecutive days played above 20, I am currenlty a level 49 Tour Pro. I have never belonged to a CC either on this game or in real life.
Enough about me, I am curious if someone could point me in the appropriate place to look to see if joining a CC is for me. I recently received an invitation to join a CC unsolicited so I did not want to make an uninformed decision so I have spent this afternoon looking for an explanation of what the benefits are of belonging to a CC. I enjoy playing the game and try to be a positive person.
I appreciate any assistance anyone can provide me and apologize in advance for "spamming" the forum if there is some place I could have found this on my own.