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Question about CC's from a newby

rated by 0 users
Mon, Dec 1 2014 6:01 AM (4 replies)
  • jeking35
    311 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 3:00 PM

    I am relatively new to WGT but enjoy playing in the free tournaments.  I have only played with against someone twice on the game.  I have been a member since September of this year and just recently have taken my consecutive days played above 20,  I am currenlty a level 49 Tour Pro.  I have never belonged to a CC either on this game or in real life.

    Enough about me, I am curious if someone could point me in the appropriate place to look to see if joining a CC is for me.  I recently received an invitation to join a CC unsolicited so I did not want to make an uninformed decision so I have spent this afternoon looking for an explanation of what the benefits are of belonging to a CC.  I enjoy playing the game and try to be a positive person. 

    I appreciate any assistance anyone can provide me and apologize in advance for "spamming" the forum if there is some place I could have found this on my own.

  • WGTyphoon
    597 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 3:24 PM

    This was a good place to ask your question. Players in Country Clubs not only get the benefit of having others to interact and engage with but bonuses to XP for using Country Club passes, participation in Club vs Club, a separate forum exclusively to the club, and Country Club tournaments. Again it is also a great place to make friends and gain mentors.


  • jeking35
    311 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 4:18 PM

    Thanks for the response.  What should one look at when looking for a Country Club?  All I can see when I look at a club is the number of members and their tiers.  I guess I am asking how do I know if I will be a good fit in a club?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sun, Nov 30 2014 11:33 PM

    A valid question, and a valid answer above.

    Concerning interaction, it's relevant that players experience a community feeling which is different from anonymous contact in random games. CC members or friends will be more reliable game partners.

    OTOH, CC membership is not as binding as in real life. There's no contract, no fee, so you may leave at any time if you feel uncomfortable. Go for it - it's a good chance to have a glimpse behind those closed doors.

  • jeking35
    311 Posts
    Mon, Dec 1 2014 6:01 AM

    Thank you all for the responses!