When did Opera start using Pepperflash? @ Alosso ... I have an Opera browser on my PC and it's the regular flash player. The same release as his if I'm not mistaken. And, @ Apex ... I used a Vista 32 bit machine with a dual core processor and 1 gig ram for a long time and had no problems with it .... I don't know how you can say it contributes significantly (or whatever you said) to his problems ... maybe now with the increased CPU load but until recently, it wouldn't have been a problem.
Edit: Oh ho .... you were partially right Alosso ... Opera now has two flash players, the pepperflash PPAPI flash player, and the regular Shockwave Flash NPAPI flash player ... either neither or both can be employed. Meaning you can enable or disable either one while leaving the other running. Thanks for making me curious ...