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Re: R1 Level 98

Tue, Dec 30 2014 10:42 PM (60 replies)
  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 10:42 PM


    I don't think they will oblige with that ever, but that vast space identified one would think there is some room to get funky (as discussed) away from the levels system (for genuine TLs at least as discussed and so important to read more than this paragraph to any one new reading).  Some pragmatism in my methodology I think, whilst accepting easy for me now to say too.  Also that new tier with real stats etc. is part of my campaign too:)

    FWIW again though those L90 R11s are very good - winner of last years VUSO chose to still use them, but that's away from the real point many make.  

    Wgt needs a change, even if they have to go back to the

    Opening the Pro Shop for TL's might not sound silly.  I think the sales will hit the roof and also people would want to get to TL Status to get those Clubs and more sales.

    I was using the R11s before I got the R1 and is a very good club.
