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R1 Level 98

Tue, Dec 30 2014 10:42 PM (60 replies)
  • DrSlick
    142 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 8:13 AM

    You know Jimbog - and it won't happen - if it is a multi-accounter type of thing or whatever reason they choose - what always gets WGT in trouble (I say trouble loosely as they hold all the cards as there will never be a mass mutiny here) is either their lack of response to an issue or their simple non-transparency of issues creating conflict.

    If they would just post and say - "this is why THIS is or is not happening" people would complain less - not stop - lol, but complain less. 

    I.E. - whoever explained the rationale that the R1 is no longer in Taylormade's product line makes perfect sense to me and I would accept that explanation whole heartedly as a straight forward business decision. 

    It is almost as if they don't think their customers can handle straight forward business decisions. And, maybe the customers can't, but as a business owner myself it would make life much easier here. 

    There is nothing worse than reaching a level and buying equipment only to see them post a month later that potentially better equipment is only a level away. Most reasonable people would have waited another level if they had known other equipment was coming out soon. 

    WGT - if it is truly a matter of, "this philosophy is what we feel best addresses sand baggers and multi-accounters" then just say that to your customers because on the surface it does NOT appear to make very good business sense. 

  • derekortt
    682 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 4:02 PM


    still with meter probs, but managed a 30 at Pinehurst back 9. Not sure of the quality of this twitch, however

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 10:08 PM



    still with meter probs, but managed a 30 at Pinehurst back 9. Not sure of the quality of this twitch, however

    Havn't read all this, but the thread might help,  click here

    Edit...  actually this is a better one

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 10:19 PM

    I think when you get promoted to TL, then all Pro-Shop Items become available, regardless of your Level.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 10:31 PM


    I think when you get promoted to TL, then all Pro-Shop Items become available, regardless of your Level.



    They don't but it would be nice.


  • derekortt
    682 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 10:35 PM




    still with meter probs, but managed a 30 at Pinehurst back 9. Not sure of the quality of this twitch, however

    Havn't read all this, but the thread might help,  click here

    Edit...  actually this is a better one

    Thanks! Did see readyboost may help if we have a usb device. Will try plugging in a memory stick and see if this helps. Next test coming probably this afternoon eastern time

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 10:54 PM

    WGT - if it is truly a matter of, "this philosophy is what we feel best addresses sand baggers and multi-accounters" then just say that to your customers because on the surface it does NOT appear to make very good business sense. 

    Look I think most multis would be plundering mostly the lower levels.  Starts with hack tier where one look at the leaderboards shows 55%+ 1 putts abound after 5 rounds. Tough tier that, lol.  

    Now long story short Legend Tier equipment is long since phenominal by L90.  

    Even playing real courses TL is eminently possible by L93 (talking generally before anyone one jumps in with how they did it with a hickory stick at L90).  Anyway point is away from a players wants there is NO need at all to improve Legend equipment, and so it's ONLY TL we are left with.

    Now JMO but if I were running this business no way would I be opening the pro shop at L90 as it's only XP 486988.  Seems a trudge to get to from day 1, but hard nosed business some more balls to be burned. and not even enough to really discourage multi tricks (last CE hooray whatever they do) .  

    OK so the typical genuine player with some good "nouse" for the game, gained from hard yards is closing in on TL around L91/92:, BUT then realises:

    :Level 91  XP 565315

    Level 97  XP 1513144    = flippin enormous ++ gap from L91

    Level 98  XP 1764760     

    Level 99  XP 2016467    

    Level 100  XP 2268312   

    Now appreciating the business (so with pragmatism) I still see so much room just being wasted with a levels system, IMO, never designed to cope with this.  This is why what we are left with is becoming known as the TL no mans land.  Heck could hide the D Day fleet in the empty hole.

     Golf is a mental thing as much as anything......Anyway I would just add read the relevant parts (to any one new reading) as not giving anything away easy and no need to repeat it all again.    

    Oh and WGTs record of commentating on reasons is not good as we know, and unlikely to improve without competition.  Anyway above may help and may not....


  • enderson
    40 Posts
    Mon, Dec 29 2014 11:52 PM

    Totally agree Jimbog. I'm in exactly the situation you mention and despite gulping pricey XP juice till I burst, the levels climb excruciatingly slow.

    As a TL why should we be restricted from competing with the best with reasonably equal equipment? Many already have more ranked rounds/experience. On top of this, there is no way to sync the irons meter with wedges/driver considering R11's are the only option if you really want to hang. So side by side a <96 TL will often be ~10+ yrds less of the tee, sometimes a little less if every hill and optimal spin is used. Then the oil slick R11 meter with lvl 81 Nikes must be tamed while a fully equipped TL has the exact same meter speed as the Cleveland Wedges with lvl 81 ball (and that meter is a beautiful blend of smooth pace yet not too slow). Don't get me wrong, I love the R11's but the reason many don't use them, even with the black ball, is they can't handle the meter. Some believe the slightly lower level Nike balls to be even better and I absolutely agree, but for that precision advantage the R11's become lightening fast and meter errors can nullify. I've killed a lot of balls in practice rounds just working on mastering the R11/81nike meter.

    Bottom line: At the very least level ~90ish TL's should have the same driver distance and if restricted from getting the 97Nike irons then an option for 3.0 meter speed on the R11's (fix the 8I & 9I..zzz) And this doesn't even get into the lvl 94 Nike and lvl 96 Versa putters..

  • DrSlick
    142 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 6:30 AM


    Your post did nothing but depress me - lol. At 725,000 XP I am less than 1/2 way to L97. I never paid attention to the "gap" or how many points were needed, but never did I assume it was that much lol. 

    You know, I could live with WGT opening up the club house for TLs - that would make sense and drive me to play more to reach the TL level. It wouldn't stop the players playing Beth and Andy's non-stop, but it would be a great reward for those that have reached the TL level. 

    On that note, as you probably have the knowledge for this - for the longest time with a good score my average was dropping .01 - am I now saturated as with a sub 30 or sub 60 I seem to be dropping .03 from the average? 

    I agree with Ender's post - very rationale!

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Tue, Dec 30 2014 7:27 AM

    You know, I could live with WGT opening up the club house for TLs - that would make sense and drive me to play more to reach the TL level.

    I don't think they will oblige with that ever, but that vast space identified one would think there is some room to get funky (as discussed) away from the levels system (for genuine TLs at least as discussed and so important to read more than this paragraph to any one new reading).  Some pragmatism in my methodology I think, whilst accepting easy for me now to say too.  Also that new tier with real stats etc. is part of my campaign too:)

    FWIW again though those L90 R11s are very good - winner of last years VUSO chose to still use them, but that's away from the real point many make.  

    On that note, as you probably have the knowledge for this - for the longest time with a good score my average was dropping .01 - am I now saturated as with a sub 30 or sub 60 I seem to be dropping .03 from the average? 

    TL is achieved when your best 500 RRs (exc any BoP3/5 in every way) touch the 60 threshold.  Remember a saturated average is only your best ever scores, and so it works by the low scores zapping higher scores to nothing for the purposes of the calc.  Thus early on a 31 pushing out 38 (74) may have a greater effect than later on a 29 pushing put a 30 (bad early L days ones go first).  Basically keep banging in the 30s and will happen soon enough.  Enjoy it while it lasts as hit TL, and it's another 500 counting RRs to saturation again lol..........Once that happens it's why you see TLs with crazy averages (even the non red tee brigade), as their "WGT average" is only their best ever 500 scores, not usually representative of too much worth considering (if like me lol).

    EDIT: alosso is a real whizz at this, but think I have it.  Anything more specific I am sure he would not mind you asking.