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Re: selling balls

Tue, Nov 23 2010 6:37 PM (7 replies)
  • sayo
    56 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 9:37 AM

    hey guys there should be a feature to sell balls back. when i was tourmaster I would load up on tour sd balls but then a few weeks ago I made it to legend and started only using the sd2 balls for the extra distance and slower meter.. now i have a wack load of sd balls in different colors. like 50 of each color lol... And i know im never going to use tour sd's again.. i would even sell all thoes balls back at 30% if need be.. but ffs i dont want them just sitting there never being used!!!! someone help!!!

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 10:53 AM

    that's a good idea, i'll mention it :)

    I also got like 230 balls that I need to use, lol:P


  • sayo
    56 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 12:43 PM

    it was a bad habit of buying balls you dont even need...lmao 

    was all the pretty colors :D

    but please dont punish me lol .. maybe even be able to gift only balls to friends so they get some use.. i have plenty of needy friends lol

  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 1:07 PM


    hey guys there should be a feature to sell balls back. when i was tourmaster I would load up on tour sd balls but then a few weeks ago I made it to legend and started only using the sd2 balls for the extra distance and slower meter.. now i have a wack load of sd balls in different colors. like 50 of each color lol... And i know im never going to use tour sd's again.. i would even sell all thoes balls back at 30% if need be.. but ffs i dont want them just sitting there never being used!!!! someone help!!!

    30%? Why would WGT pay 30% for balls when they only pay something like 25% for clubs? But as for the SD balls use them in CTTH challenges and practice rounds. And as Lee said once long ago use them where you know you will hit water and try to get your award for making par after hitting in the water.

  • sayo
    56 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 2:53 PM

    I said 30 for chits and giggles . thanks for pointing it out to them now if anything its goin to be 25% lmao....

  • tiffer67
    1,764 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 6:25 PM


    And i know im never going to use tour sd's again.. i would even sell all thoes balls back at 30% if need be.. but ffs i dont want them just sitting there never being used!!!! someone help!!!

    Great suggestion Sayo and one I think makes a lot of sense from a customer service angle....

    I decided on a more adventurous route to get rid of mine.....I played the Wolf Creek CTTH and blootered every shot into the rocks with my driver. Didn't do my CTTH average any good but it sure was a lot of fun :^)

  • jordanisawesome
    620 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 6:37 PM

    blootered every shot into the rocks with my driver. Didn't do my CTTH average any good but it sure was a lot of fun :^)


    lmao ya ive done that just blootering them is fun but i would never do that with my good balls i only do it with my unlimited balls.....but i guess it wuoldnt matter to ur considering by some of ur picture posts that u have like 65,000 credits

  • sayo
    56 Posts
    Tue, Nov 23 2010 8:22 PM


    hahahahaahahaha .. Guess its a good idea lol besides i hate thoes ctth comps is it just me or do people write down every shot and play over and over for month.. I have no chance at even getting a decent score lol so might as well launch some pretty balls considering it will prob take wgt months to even make such a change lol

    thanks tiffer lol