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Re: Happy Thanksgiving...What are You Thankful For??

Fri, Nov 26 2010 3:49 AM (5 replies)
  • BriRock
    148 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 1:42 PM

    Just that...seeing as many of the forum threads constantly bash WGT ...and seeing as it's Thanksgiving...maybe...just maybe some of you can actually come up with a few things that you are thankful to WGT for...And i don't mean your favorite color balls or that catchy tune we all hear when we fire up the game......

    I'm thankful for WGT recruiting Icon as a Mod and he/she being as "around" as possible to answer any and all questions he/she can get to (still not convinced you're a man)

  • borntobesting
    9,735 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 2:07 PM


    Just that...seeing as many of the forum threads constantly bash WGT ...and seeing as it's Thanksgiving...maybe...just maybe some of you can actually come up with a few things that you are thankful to WGT for...And i don't mean your favorite color balls or that catchy tune we all hear when we fire up the game......

    I'm thankful for WGT recruiting Icon as a Mod and he/she being as "around" as possible to answer any and all questions he/she can get to (still not convinced you're a man)

    It's the best move WGT has made since they recruited Nivlac/WGTniv as a moderator. 

  • stencil
    455 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 3:04 PM

    Im thankful to WGT for adding Congressional. YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And in real life i'm thankful for my good recovery from something called pseudotumor cerebri ( overload of fluid in the head ) which is pretty serious can cause clots, blindness, and  alot more that I don't want so.....

    Thats what i'm thankful for

  • nickuk
    967 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 5:21 PM

    really sten...thats sounds quite...erm horrid...and here am i afraid to have a tooth removed...fairplay....hope the turkey aint too dry bud! happy thanksgiving.(what is thanksgiving anyway?) forefathers..and the mayflower? forgive my ignorance!

  • Richard4168
    4,309 Posts
    Wed, Nov 24 2010 7:26 PM

    I'm thankful I can play Ready-Go's now. I'm not the best, but the game has taken on a whole new perspective for me after a year and a quarter of membership.

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Fri, Nov 26 2010 3:49 AM

    First I'd like to thank God for my #1, I get to stand up to pee.

    Secondly I'd like to thank my soon to be ex-wife for the "f&@$ your dad, he's just lazy" nights.

    Third, I would like to thank my dog for "cropdusting" my computer room every time I'm in it.


    And then there is WGT, thanks for giving me some much needed free time and my much needed second divorce.  Heck with the mash awards, I nominate WGT for the CNN Hero award!
