Sikkum: It's their game after all, and to be honest it is a tad unfair (in all the tiers) that the higher ranked player plays on their greens and winds's not their bloody game after all.
Default tees exist which is a huge difference in favour of the lower tier, unless it's TL v L of course. Easy enough to practice all that in a CC at any level too.
Be a little careful what you wish for though as most good TLs, not red tee paper plane ones, given low winds and say VF greens will eat them alive. Don't believe me see what happens in low wind RGs on non champ greens - 25 territory at Cabo F9 to win that 1 at that level.
Good luck with getting the choice though :) I just hope WGT don't do it until they get a track record of not majorly breaking anything they touch, and that's a long way off.