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Re: 50% lie

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Sun, Apr 12 2015 8:15 PM (9 replies)
  • MortonKempok
    34 Posts
    Sat, Apr 11 2015 8:23 AM

    One of my members asked me "What does a 50 % lie mean and i couldn't answer him, can anyone help?

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Apr 11 2015 10:35 AM

    That is the % of the ball that is buried, or below ground level. Think of a plugged ball where only 1/2 of it is visible. That should also give you an idea of what it takes to get out.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sun, Apr 12 2015 7:40 AM

    And that is what the game shows as the lie of the ball. Only 50% to 60% of the ball is visible.

    Note that a 50% - 60% lie in rough will play differently from a ball in 50% - 60% fescue or a  ball in 50% - 60% brush.

    At any rate, the usual goal when your ball in in rough that deep is to make sure you make your next shot from short grass, like the fairway.

    That may mean having to aim sideways or even backwards from the hole to have a reasonable chance at the next shot being from short grass. 

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, Apr 12 2015 10:15 AM

    Only 50% to 60% of the ball is visible.

    Please accept my correction:

    Only 50% to 40% of the ball is visible.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Apr 12 2015 12:57 PM


    the lie is what everyone have said but how it performs will depend on course and clubs/balls the person uses. the best way to see how it performs is to practice it.


  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Sun, Apr 12 2015 1:05 PM



    the lie is what everyone have said but how it performs will depend on course and clubs/balls the person uses. the best way to see how it performs is to practice it.


    in other words, it isn't consistent from one course to the next nor is it consistent for equipment choices.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sun, Apr 12 2015 1:24 PM

    in other words, it isn't consistent from one course to the next nor is it consistent for equipment choices.

    Of course it's not consistent for different equipment/ball combos, they're all different. You won't find 50-60 fescue on CCC or any other American course so the lie you're facing is obviously going to be different based on the course you're playing.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sun, Apr 12 2015 2:32 PM

    He also needs to know that using any other club than a wedge will not get good results.

    A punched wedge will probably go close to half the stated distance, e.g. a 68 punch with a top level cleveland wedge will go 30 > 35 yards.

    But as said it is not consistent, and why should it be.

    231 Posts
    Sun, Apr 12 2015 5:47 PM


    One of my members asked me "What does a 50 % lie mean and i couldn't answer him, can anyone help?

    The answer is simple.  The 50% lie is a half-truth. 

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Sun, Apr 12 2015 8:15 PM




    the lie is what everyone have said but how it performs will depend on course and clubs/balls the person uses. the best way to see how it performs is to practice it.


    in other words, it isn't consistent from one course to the next nor is it consistent for equipment choices.

    true, but SA plays like SA, RSG plays like RSG,  neither play like BPB:)