Saturday 04/25/15
I'm setting up a new laptop, and I'm looking for info as to what browsers seem to work best at this time. It came with I.E. as part of Windows,which I haven't tried at all. I don't want to try Chrome with the problems there with support for flash going away. I'll be downloading the latest version available with everything I try, unless I'm given a specific version to try.
Friday night I installed Firefox, and Maxthon. I'd had good luck with Firefox when I first started playing about 6 months ago, but that was running version 14, or so. Last night the swing meter was the worst I've seen, with actual pauses of between 0.25 and 0.5 seconds. Long enough to see and allow me to stop from finishing the swing. Nearly unplayable.
Maxthon seemed very steady, with hardly a twitch. However, I noticed that the right click button didn't work, so there was no way to zoom in and out, or access the global flash settings. Anyone have a clue how to fix that? Please let me know. I'd appreciate any and all help, and I'll post all of my findings here.