Seems to me that a lot of people don't like it when someone moves there cheese. Don't know what I am talking about read the book ( Who moved my cheese, by Spencer Johnson) I'm sure someone at WGT has read it. In a lot of major companies its required reading. Apple, IBM, Pepsi, EXXON, Xerox, to name a few. There is one particular statement that I think is what WGT is trying to accomplish by doing this. " If you do not change you can become extinct " they are a business and have to conduct themselves accordingly. I don't know how many employees WGT has but lets say hypothetically they have 10 each drawing a wage of $60,000.00 a year U.S, then think to yourself how many sets of Virtual balls,clubs, avatars do you think they need to be purchased here to pay one employee's salary for a year and I am not factoring in equipment, computers, servers and all the cost of doing business? Do the math I am sure they are doing what is best for them as a company so they don't go extinct, which would be a real tragedy. So do the pop up ad's bother me HELL YES but when faced with the alternative.............................. minor inconvenience.
Just my two cents