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Re: lots of dropped games

Fri, May 15 2015 3:52 AM (15 replies)
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  • hatcojack
    410 Posts
    Thu, May 14 2015 1:40 PM

    2 games in a row today! 3 up, i typed a comment after my shot and screen goes out and we forfeit match!?  same in next game, 2 up and i type a comment after my shot, and screen says we have forfeited match!?  have NEVER seen this before!  no more typing comments for me!

  • MrSCicero
    154 Posts
    Thu, May 14 2015 1:48 PM


    When l log in each day l use my free pass Straight away by Playing a One Hole in Practise mode, This does help  minimise Free passes being lost through Disconects


     This is not using the free pass, It's paying for a pass only to get ripped off! I have already used my free pass at this point and am trying to gain ex points for my club. therefore I purchase more pass's to gain the points, What happens the game has an ERROR there goes the other players and the points that I would have gotten for playing the multiplayer round vanish like the wind! 37 credits down the toilet! As far as using the free pass on a one hole practice game,That does not yield very many experience points for your club,Witch might be fine for you, But I try to maximize the experience points I give to my Club, I have found that when the day is over the first game you play for the day gives you the most experience points if you play consecutive days like I do, And multiplayer games when you can get through them without errors give you maximum experience points.

     I live in the USA on the east coast so my day on WGT starts at 8:00 pm eastern time, I try to use my free pass's then as I gain an extra 880 points for it being my first game in a consecutive day run. So if I use my free pass in the morning before 8:00 am, I try to purchase one around 7:30 am so that I gain my free pass as my new day begins. I do this often and have disconnects and get screwed often also! Now with that being said I do not use free balls anymore and this also screws me out of shots on the balls I purchase, If half way through the round I get the AWE SNAP screen and have to close and reopen my Browser the round I was playing disappears like the wind along with every shot that has been taken with the $2.00 ball I am playing with.


  • hatcojack
    410 Posts
    Thu, May 14 2015 2:35 PM

    if you try to type AFTER the last putt on the hole WHILE the screen is changing you WILL forfeit!! happened to me both games today, 2 up and 3 up alsp.

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Thu, May 14 2015 11:07 PM

    I try to maximize the experience points I give to my Club, I have found that when the day is over the first game you play for the day gives you the most experience points if you play consecutive days like I do, And multiplayer games when you can get through them without errors give you maximum experience points.

    True. And if you analyze the points, then it's about 915 playing a single hole solo game and perhaps 1300 for an MP game. Knowing that the MP games aren't stable, you put 915 secure points (and 37 cr?) at risk for another 400 - not a good wager IMNSHO.

    These discon problems of MP games have been known for a long time, and they have become significantly worse this year despite (or because of) the company's efforts to fix them. It's no point to stand up whining, but we have to adapt to the situation.

    My 2 Pfennig:

    - Play a safe solo game with the CDP bonus and the free CC pass,

    - refrain from buying passes for risky MP games.

    Enjoy your games!

  • MrSCicero
    154 Posts
    Fri, May 15 2015 3:07 AM

    These discon problems of MP games have been known for a long time, and they have become significantly worse this year despite (or because of) the company's efforts to fix them. It's no point to stand up whining, but we have to adapt to the situation.

     I truly believe that the reason that the disconnects have gotten worse is because of the mobile device app that they created! I took 4 months off from WGT before they created this app and had a few minor problems back then, But in the last month or so since I have returned I have had way more problems than ever, IMHO We as paying customers should never have to worry about giving up the extra 400 experience points, And you can give me all the:This game is Free BS you want, This game has not been free for me for years! 

     As far as me standing up whining, It's my hard earned money going down the toilet not yours, IMHO I feel that if we do not stand up and  bitc# nothing will ever get done to correct this problem!

     I purchase the Club pass's to obtain my free pass when it gives me the best opportunity to get the consecutive day bonus points. Add those 400 points you lose up in a month, now add them up in a year! these are experience points you are paying to obtain to gain the given advantages of being in a country club. Why did they (WGT) give us all of the updates on our country clubs if we can not use them to our advantage?

  • alosso
    21,060 Posts
    Fri, May 15 2015 3:52 AM

     I purchase the Club pass's to obtain my free pass when it gives me the best opportunity to get the consecutive day bonus points.

    Did you know that buying a pass delays the availability of the free pass to 12 hours from that point of time?

    Other than that, it's your choice to "gamble" with your money.

    these are experience points you are paying to obtain to gain the given advantages of being in a country club.

    Excuse me, these are meagre advantages, and nothing in sight for your or my CCs which would pay back any investment. (o.k., shot pal at level 4, how many passes is it worth?)

    Bitc#ing will not change a single thing, since the whole "CC XP and CC passes" thing is exclusively designed to raise our host's revenue. Therefore, NOT buying CC passes is good for us!

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