alosso: These discon problems of MP games have been known for a long time, and they have become significantly worse this year despite (or because of) the company's efforts to fix them. It's no point to stand up whining, but we have to adapt to the situation.
I truly believe that the reason that the disconnects have gotten worse is because of the mobile device app that they created! I took 4 months off from WGT before they created this app and had a few minor problems back then, But in the last month or so since I have returned I have had way more problems than ever, IMHO We as paying customers should never have to worry about giving up the extra 400 experience points, And you can give me all the:This game is Free BS you want, This game has not been free for me for years!
As far as me standing up whining, It's my hard earned money going down the toilet not yours, IMHO I feel that if we do not stand up and bitc# nothing will ever get done to correct this problem!
I purchase the Club pass's to obtain my free pass when it gives me the best opportunity to get the consecutive day bonus points. Add those 400 points you lose up in a month, now add them up in a year! these are experience points you are paying to obtain to gain the given advantages of being in a country club. Why did they (WGT) give us all of the updates on our country clubs if we can not use them to our advantage?