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Re: Subtle changes in the club selection/ball lie display

Sat, Jun 13 2015 8:05 PM (13 replies)
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  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Sat, Jun 13 2015 1:31 PM

    Dots go off when swing starts.   SEE IT ?

    Uh, yeah I noticed.  Been here 6 years.  But your CPU needs a few seconds to settle down after calculating and drawing all those dots.  Probably doing tasks it put off** while very busy with the dots. 

    >>>>if one doesn't wait a few seconds for the CPU to settle down before starting the meter  it will cause meter stutter or lag. <<<<<   SEE IT? DAMN!

    I still don't want it.  And slim to none chance of getting done.




    ***No doubt catching up on sorting thru thousands of posts by Zio, Paul, and me.

  • programplaya
    84 Posts
    Sat, Jun 13 2015 2:52 PM

    thats great thanks for the tip.

    However ... I never pitch or chip ever. Too unreliable always.(I rarely see anyone ever pitch or chip)

    so why, why, why,  wouldn't they (wgt) just leave it ON for the LW all the time ?

    Regardless of shot mode.  ?

    just like is done for the putter.  ?   its the same function... only the club is different.

    OR just make the putter tab hoverable for quick look at break, without having to make the extra click on another club or mode.

    OK Im done with this....   thanks for the replies.

  • JFidanza
    1,676 Posts
    Sat, Jun 13 2015 3:17 PM


    However ... I never pitch or chip ever. Too unreliable always.(I rarely see anyone ever pitch or chip)

    I hear ya.

    Different strokes for diff. folks, speaking for myself, I was a flop man, but I've observed the nature of all the types of shots and there are pros & cons to each one them.

    That's what I find enjoyable about wgt compared to, say, J. Nicklaus S.E. which only offers the full & punch shots.

    Sometimes a pitch will have more rewards where a flop won't. Sometimes a chip will work more reliably where a pitch won't, etc. etc.  - all depending on the topography, conditions and equipment in use. imho





  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Sat, Jun 13 2015 8:05 PM

    nice replays JF.

    For me my attitude , just as in putting, is that I am gonna hole out everytime I have a flop, pitch or chip.

    I use them all, including punch, and holing out happens a lot.

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