jayw4862: I've been told that the winner (after one player creates a game, then forfeits on 1st tee) can get 15,000 + xp's in less than an hour.
Flippin heck, LOL.
During my short and undistinguished military career, managed to salute the RSM at my officer interview, and carried on from there, LOL, I did learn one thing. If you knew there was going to be an order not to get out on the piss after an exercise, then best to get out on the piss before the order was given :) That bit we could achieve always with military precision as well as getting really shyte faced at the pub, LOL.
Point is If that does transpire to be the case might be best to get that driver soon. I suspect this is one, ahem "bug" they may be correcting. People like you doing it for a fast ooomph to the next level I doubt they give a crap about. If they do they should get something better to care about, like some real issues, but I predict silence followed by it not working next downtime (or close to)................:)