Whilst we have this bug wiv CC invites then why are fooking idiot owners sending out invites.
Everyone knows that it is impossible to decline without getting logged out, and that the invite does not go away. It is also impossible to accept and quit if one is already a CC member elsewhere.
So why are the idiot owners sending out invites.
I have one from the fooking *&^@#!%&^ ccv2qr, owner of the Jewel Blue Country Club, level 2 with 19 members and an upper limit of 30. Yet he has around 100 invites pending.
What a pillock
Hey matey, if u r reading this which is highly unlikely, then cancel my invite forthwith.
When WGT eventually get around to fixing this shite they should not allow existing CC members to receive an invite. No need for it, if I want to join another club then I am going to leave the one I am in beforehand ain't I.