(stopping at Tour Pro)
sportsup: Why would I want tee boxes farther and farther back? Just for the added challenge?
Don't think so.
It would be just because you belong there. My Nickel.
Now, with almost standard equipment and a little help from an overprized ball, your average shows that you are much better than the average Pro. The only item parting you from becoming tiered to Tour Pro is the number of rounds to count (20 min), but this will come soon enough.
And, you'd rather have to quit playing ranked strokeplay to avoid to become a Master - for a while. IMHO, it's inevitable.
I see two ways to continue:
- Use your talents to contend as a TP and Master with your current equipment. Challenging and possible!
- Use your talents in tiered Ready Gos, Challenge Brackets and Monthly/Weekly tournaments to gain some credits while Pro and TP. These will help you to buy better equipment to contend as a Master and above. You might also try to level up quickly, e.g. by playing every day to get the CDP bonus.
Feel free to ask for detailled help.