BrianMcerlean:I think if you purchase a pass it should be good to use every time you play.
It is - use purchased passes as often as you want. They only prevent you from getting free passes.
BrianMcerlean:You shouldn't have to purchase a pass every time you play a game
You don't - there's a "No thanks" button to bypass the purchase. If you use up your passes, the clock should start for a new&free pass. If not, use "Contact" below to fix the flaw.
Even in your special situation in your CC, it should be enogh to play one pass per day when you receive the CDP bonus - 1,000 and more XPs can hardly be topped. At 2,494 XPs = level 2, you get the Putter Pal and a member's limit of 30. Then it goes up slower, but why hurry and shove a lot of hard-earned credits to the company?