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Re: Loosing Club Pass due to people disconnecting.

rated by 0 users
Mon, Aug 10 2015 10:27 PM (6 replies)
  • muggle420
    13 Posts
    Sun, Aug 9 2015 7:54 PM

    I purchased a number of club passes to use to help my club up XP. I have lost at least 4 of them due to people who either have a bad internet connection or pc issues that just disconnect when their game doesn't load on the first hole instead of closing the browser and trying to reconnect. I think it's unfair that we loose our pass when people do this. We didn't ask to have the game quit on us, or the other player quitting on us. If it's the free daily pass, thats one thing. It's free. But if your paying for passes like greens fee you should be credited if the game does not finish 9 or 18 holes as long as you are not the one that quit the round.

  • WGTShamWow
    925 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 10:23 AM


    I purchased a number of club passes to use to help my club up XP. I have lost at least 4 of them due to people who either have a bad internet connection or pc issues that just disconnect when their game doesn't load on the first hole instead of closing the browser and trying to reconnect. I think it's unfair that we loose our pass when people do this. We didn't ask to have the game quit on us, or the other player quitting on us. If it's the free daily pass, thats one thing. It's free. But if your paying for passes like greens fee you should be credited if the game does not finish 9 or 18 holes as long as you are not the one that quit the round.

    Hi muggle420,

    Thanks for the post. Please note that players are allowed to leave a round anytime and when a CC pass is used for that round, it will only pay out XP until the last hole completed. Usually we recommend using CC passes on single player rounds as you do not have to worry about another player disconnecting. Alternatively if you have some close friends that you know will not leave mid round, I would only recommend playing with them when using a CC pass. 

    If you experience a disconnect while using a CC pass, send our customer service dept. an email and they would be able to refund the lost CC pass. Their email is

    All the Best,

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 1:31 PM


    Do you know that you won't get any free passes as long as you have purchased ones? The 12 hour clock will only start when the pass count is zero.

    Second, it appears that you are using passes mainly when playing Blitz. So you get only a few XPs, compared to 9 or 18 holes of strokeplay. The maximum is available on the CDP game of the day, the first one ending after 12 am GMT (= UTC)

    Furthermore, you may want to discuss in your CC if buying passes is necessary. I doubt that because, for your level 6 CC, there's almost no valuable benefits available.

  • oneeyedjohn
    9,589 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 2:58 PM

    I have given up moaning and groaning about these damned passes. Losing one to an 'unexpected error'' on the CDP game is annoying enough, but to then have WGT replace ur lost passes only stops u having the free ones, so it is a pretty pointless exercise all round.

    About as useful as a second hand durex.

  • BrianMcerlean
    33 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 3:05 PM

    I think if you purchase a pass it should be good to use every time you play. Not wait every 12 hours. You shouldn't have to purchase a pass every time you play a game

  • bypass07
    1,360 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 7:14 PM

    please fix multi-player games

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Mon, Aug 10 2015 10:27 PM

    I think if you purchase a pass it should be good to use every time you play.

    It is - use purchased passes as often as you want. They only prevent you from getting free passes.

    You shouldn't have to purchase a pass every time you play a game

    You don't - there's a "No thanks" button to bypass the purchase. If you use up your passes, the clock should start for a new&free pass. If not, use "Contact" below to fix the flaw.

    Even in your special situation in your CC, it should be enogh to play one pass per day when you receive the CDP bonus - 1,000 and more XPs can hardly be topped. At 2,494 XPs = level 2, you get the Putter Pal and a member's limit of 30. Then it goes up slower, but why hurry and shove a lot of hard-earned credits to the company?