It's our secret plan to make all the web players go bat sh*t crazy and leave the site and move over to the mobile app. This would then allow us to close down the forums and fire Icon, who would then not be able to pay his mortgage on his new place, which would make him homeless and have to sell his blood to pay for meals...... And then of course he wouldn't be able to sell enough blood to feed his "Tea" habit and would end up having to sell even more tinfoil hats he makes from the foil he finds in dumpsters behind restaurants. Eventually he would be arrested for stealing trash and end up in jail, and who really wants to see a "Tea" drinking angry Russian man in jail?
I know what you are all thinking, Sham would want him in jail. And while yes this may be technically true, I am going to make sure it doesn't happen by making sure the site never closes! So everyone please spend lots and lots of money so we can save Icon from going to jail!
- WGTdbloshoe