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Thu, Aug 13 2015 12:23 AM (1 replies)
  • crowll
    15 Posts
    Tue, Aug 11 2015 8:17 PM

    hu wgt how about fixing you internet  servers or your  problems if its not white screens then it getting kicked out of games when your -4 on 6th hole and told games over people are sick of it come on wgt fixit

    5,835 Posts
    Thu, Aug 13 2015 12:23 AM

    Hey Crowll..   yeah the forums are full of people like yourself, me included with a different array of WGT issues.
    All you can do is make sure you are good to go , browsers are clean and flash is up to date..

    you can explain whats going on to the customer service mob, they are usually pretty good if you have lost entry fees or balls etc

    Apart from that look around the forums and yoou will see other threads like yours and there may be different fixes or things to try for ya.

    Shrude...  .. .