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Re: option to dry the greens out more

Wed, Sep 23 2015 1:25 AM (10 replies)
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  • derekortt
    678 Posts
    Wed, Sep 23 2015 1:25 AM


    Green speeds are just fine, and therefore so is the bounce.

    There is a good argument to detune the balls, but that's sales and therefore unlikely to fly.  The argument does not suggest who wins would change too much too often BTW:)..Saying that it would annoy a few ticks with Mr. Otto at their side, but there are many genuine players too, and that's another big argument anyway.

     In a CC you could just say   anyone that enters use a cheap WGT ball tops?..About as much help as you will ever get from WGT on that one I would think.  

    I would like to see stimp 14 available for CCs - seems a still sensible faster speed in some comps.  Ideally I would like to see a dial with everything from slow 7.4 to 14 (hmm? even 15 as want to keep it real).  The current brackets seem to work real well with many different speeds in the mix, IMHO:)  EDIT: Even more I would like to see no changes until WGT gets a good history of no new bugs with every downtime, and that seems not near.



    Can go even faster than that in club tourneys. Recently had one where I had Merion set up to 20 on the stimp. Course was hard, but quite playable. Greens weren't why I putted horrendously to a 71

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