Shhhh....if you're reading this, please keep this on the DL! I don't want anyone to hear...
So I'm looking for a new be honest, my current one has become...well....stale. The President is great, he sets up many, many tournaments...but alas, there are so very few ACTIVE players within the club of almost 250 members.
So here's who I am...and what I am looking for in a new club:
1.) Experienced members, say TM on up. Call me snobby, but I do enjoy the competition, and that provides it.
2.) Revolving, day or week long tournaments.
3.) Some sort of rotating TOUR-type tournament competition. Our club was running one when I first joined and I loved it. Something like a points system that accumulates over the period of a month or probably get the idea.
4.) A tournament that doesn't necessarily 'cater to', but recognizes the limitations of playing on a tablet (iPad), which I exclusively play on. Meaning...not a lot of play on Oakmont, Whistler, Cabo, and a couple other courses that are not available to mobile players. I'm sure someone with dual exposure will know exactly what I mean.
What you will get?
1.) A very, very active member.
2.) Yes, I know how to use the CC pass, so if your club is all that I desire, you will surely get your daily points from me.
Thank you for reading! Please feel free to reply to this post or message me if you think I would be a worthy addition to your established club.