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Re: The closer to real golf the better...

rated by 0 users
Fri, Nov 6 2015 9:13 PM (1 replies)
  • Ray8081113
    2 Posts
    Fri, Nov 6 2015 6:50 PM
    I have noticed in CTTH and other tournaments, but most noticeable on par 3's that a drop in altitude does NOT MEAN I can use less club, or at least not as much as I would in an actual round of golf. for example, under "optimum" conditions, my 5 iron (as stated in the app) goes 175yds. Generally, a 175 yd shot with no wind and no change in altitude, and with normal green speed I could hit the 5 iron pin high. If the was a 10ft drop in altitude I could generally one less club, 20 ft drop, another club less (generally, and for an example) so that a 175 yd shot that descends 20 ft is in my mind 20 yes less, maybe still too far for my 7 iron (145 yd rated), but probably a "soft" 6 iron with some spin added. 
    What I have noticed is that 20 foot drop in altitude DOES NOT correlate to taking 2 clubs less, and it is even more apparent in more severe a recent round I remember a 200 yd shot to green with a 53ft drop and wind not a factor. I went with 5 iron and put it in the water abound 40 yds short...and last month in the August Merion Sweeps, the second hole if I correctly recall was a Par 3, 203 yds with a 20+ ft drop in altitude. In that my 3 iron is rated at 205yds, I would think the 4 iron (190yds) would be my choice, under windless conditions yet I could never even make it to the green with the 4 in spite of the 22 ft drop. 
    Other comments: 1) no more "real time" distance indicator on shots 😡, 2) the player often times is totally in the way when putting and the view is too low of an angle to correctly aim the putt if you can even see the ball or green, or the provided view is not directly behind the ball on line with the pin and instead is behind the ball but at an angle off-axis preventing the ability to line up the putt. Yeah, I know you can see different angles in 360 degrees, but the most important one is to have a clear view of the ball (and green) on the line to the hole.
    I really enjoy this app, however as someone who owned every version of Links dating back to the early 1990's, your app still lacks some very essential elements that would make it GREAT (such as ability to draw and fade (cut) like Links had). I do understand that you will be working with some of the Links people now and I hope that WGT not only matches what Links was, but given that It was nearly 20 years ago and we were on a Pentium 64 with 4 meg of RAM, your app should be amazing. I was taught that golfers need to KNOW 9 shots...low-normal-high DRAW, low-normal-high STRAIGHT, low-normal-high FADE (cut).
    Those are the tools a golfer needs and to make this more realistic WGT players need to have the ability in the app. As it stands, hitting early or late is iffy at best to draw or fade and very risky usually resulting in hook/slice and a significant reduction in distance. WGT needs to add the high shot as well. You do have pitch and punch which work very well FOR LOW SHOTS but often time in tournaments the pins are set behind bunkers or are set on the green in such a way that with only a normal trajectory, even with spin, to attack the green like hitting a high shot would enable me too. I am not talking about automatic functions, the player would still need skill to execute these shots which Links had. 
    Finally, how about a Driving Range and a practice putting green? I know I could do unranked practice rounds, but to get accurate yardage in-grained you have to have a driving range. Plus it is just more realistic to what golfers are used to before playing a round or just to develop their skills (and Links had a driving range!)
    I really like what you are trying to do (except for the golf ball prices 😡😡😡) and I look forward to what WGT could become.
    Thank you in advance for your kind attention.
    Mark Povraznik
    PS...How in the HELL are these guys getting 50ft totals in CTTH's and shooting in the low 50's??? Are there "cheats" that people use to do this because even with the good equipment and balls I use I can't get in that tight on every hole like a say 53ft CTTH total score would require. The more WGT is like REAL golf the better. Like NO gimmies or mulligans in anything other than practice and NO ELIXIRS OR POTIONS OR POWER-UPS to slow down time or go farther or unnaturally perform better...its kind of like digital steroids or other performance enhancing substances. Some of these "superhuman" abilities are currently offered allowing a player who is willing to pay WGT the money is given abilities greater than is "normal" ability/skill level. To allow this in tournaments is patently unfair and should not even be an option at all. I mean Level Up boosters don't effect an opponent in play but the ability to slow down time or any other unnatural enhancements is not ok at all and just isn't Golf.
  • alosso
    21,092 Posts
    Fri, Nov 6 2015 9:13 PM

    After a few years in the game and in the Forum, all I can say is:

    Your game will improve with better balls and better clubs = higher level and more expensive.

    Otherwise, take the game as it is - none of your wishes is anyway close to being fulfilled. In particular: ball shaping, practice areas, omission of "performance for money", recognition of fairness vs. revenue.

    My two Pfennigs